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REGULAR MEETING <br />JULY 13, 2015 <br />idea is to employ the youth which has been an issue. There is a list of three (3) companies that <br />have come forward that have this type of a program that are employing youth and using at -risk <br />youth to cut grass. It is a way for them to find a summer job. I cannot speak for them to say <br />what the cut off is for the age range. The whole idea is this is a pilot program, it is designed to <br />try to find our younger generation within our city some jobs. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner — Does it make sense to do nothing when what you have been doing <br />hasn't worked? Council President Scott replied no. <br />Councilmember Schey — With some of the questions that went back and forth regarding this <br />issue in general with tall grass. Some of the data that was provided to us referred to the number <br />of grass weed violations that have been abated. When we say it was abated was the issue <br />resolved or was it cited? Council President Scott answered abated means that is has been <br />resolved. It could mean on a one time basis, so that lawn could come up again later. <br />Councilmember Schey my other question, I do understand this is a way to solve the problem. <br />When you talk about funding these programs one of the issues we have is when different <br />departments issue citations the revenues from those citations don't necessarily go back into those <br />budgets. Would there be a way with the higher fees that we are now charging for the tall grass to <br />direct those fines once their collected back into an air marked budget to support this effort? <br />Council President Scott stated that is a good idea. I would have that conversation with Oliver <br />Davis during the budget time to discuss that. Right now that seeps to the general fund and part <br />of the general fund is to allocate where needed. But I know that has come up before <br />Councilmember Davis Jr. — I appreciate the effort to rectify a huge issue concerning <br />neighborhoods. I really appreciate that. My question now, is what is the criteria for hiring these <br />at -risk youth, what is the criteria and who will be enforcing this criteria that is to be enforced? <br />Council President Scott answered that is within different companies. We know of three (3) <br />companies that have come before us. It is modeled on their business models they're doing right <br />now. So you have Greater Impact, Turner & Sons Professional Services, Holiday Corp all have <br />programs that are employing youth. I know from Greater Impact, being in the 1st District their <br />program is not only for employment for cutting grass but designed to teach them on how a <br />business works, how hiring practices are done, how it is to work, show up every day, to do peer <br />reviews.. This is the criteria that has come before us. Councilmember Davis Jr. replied Tim, that <br />is great but I don't want to get away from these two questions as that's all I get. What is the <br />criteria? Is it youth that are between the ages of 14 -17 years old, single family home, <br />unemployed, do they have to live in South Bend? I get what you're saying about their program <br />but my judiciary responsibility is to make sure that we are spending money properly; so what is <br />the criteria for the funds being allocated during the bidding process, and employing youth? As it <br />has not been spelled out. Council President Scott responded you are right it has not been spelled <br />out as it is a pilot program, so we are in the process of that. We have Chicago's RFP, and <br />they've done the exact type of program. We have looked at best practices. The good things with <br />Council input, Code input, and George King's department we will work to develop that RFP so it <br />will work and list out those developments. The resolution here would give us the opportunity <br />and this is where we want to see the opportunity go. Councilmember Davis, Jr. stated I applaud <br />you for that. When we come before a council those are the questions that I'm looking for to be <br />answered not that our youth needs job. My concern is who gets the job, is the job going to get <br />done, and if the money was spent properly. My second question, I have is about the budget <br />amount. His original budget amount was $193,500. The remaining amount currently is at <br />$160,577. Last year when we passed the budget we were somewhere closer to $250,000 with the <br />additional dollars coming from Redevelopment. None of these figures are the same from start to <br />today currently; whether $20,000 off or $100,000 off can somebody nail down a precise number <br />for us that is going to be used in order to employ whomever will do these jobs. Council <br />President Scott stated Randy can speak to this more clearly. Randy, Director of Code <br />Enforcement, 13' floor of this building, provided input, the budget for this year was $174,600 <br />that we allotted for the grass ordinance. Councilmember Davis stated I'm just giving you the <br />numbers that the Mayor gave me. Randy responded correct and I gave those numbers to the <br />Mayor. Councilmember Davis insisted why are those number different and off by $20,000. <br />Randy responded those numbers did not include our cuts from the budget from last year. <br />29 <br />