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REGULAR MEETING JULY 13, 2015 <br />Councilmember Dieter — Henry alluded that there is nothing written down now that says that you <br />have to be 18 and under correct? (Council President Scott answered that is correct) So in theory <br />the company can have people in their 20's. Again Henry is correct as that's where I had <br />problems earlier. We'll get back to that later. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />Those wishing to speak in favor of: <br />Kory Lantz, 615 Cushing St., South Bend — I went to Bethel College, started an after school <br />leadership and mentorship program. I've been working with the youth for now six (6) years. <br />Through teaching in the classroom wasn't making the full impact that we were looking for. So <br />we decided how can we give them life experiences? So we started a business called Greater <br />Impact Lawn Care to teach them how to handle responsibilities and the necessary jobs skills that <br />it takes to be successful. We hire nine (9) youth, eight (8) of them have never held a job before. <br />We allow them to have a stepping stone for another jobs. If this passes we are in favor of it and <br />would like to be a part of the bidding process. <br />Jason Banicki- Critchlow, 3822 W. Ford St., South Bend— I am definitely one of the hardest hit <br />districts by the uncut grass. I applaud you at looking at this innovative approach to solve this <br />problem. I have one thing to say I wish that speaking on the last council meeting about the <br />Mayor being here, well now he was here and then he left. We talked about Phil St. Clair being <br />here to explain the Parks Department and what's the root cause, hopefully we can get those <br />answers eventually as I do think this is something that the city needs to get these lawns cuts. This <br />gives the youth the opportunity to be productive parts of society moving forward. <br />Kathryn Schuth, 911 Leland Ave., South Bend— I am strongly supportive of this program. The <br />dual benefit in my point of view is the youth program as a pilot program but also, as I live on the <br />near northwest side, there is an increase in vacant properties. Which is coming from the success <br />of the demolish properties, increasing in numbers that aren't being maintained by the city. It is <br />not satisfactory when we hear the city is doing all that it can, when that is not enough. One of <br />the benefits is a sense of accountability and going back to these companies to work. I hope that <br />you consider it. <br />Larry Turner, Turners & Sons Professional Services South Bend— We are in support of this. I <br />have been working on projects over the last few years. We talk about not only the youth but the <br />adults entering back in to the system from drug use and/or being incarcerated. We are not limited <br />to just 15 -19 years old. But as we get older we use them to mentor our youth and guide them to <br />avoid some of the pitfalls that happened to them. We are in favor as an entrepreneur we need to <br />work to sustain our various programs that we have. We are not looking to get rich because we <br />give back to the community. I'm also a product of earlier programs like this. This works two- <br />fold, after the youth work and realize the efforts that they use to help the community improve <br />they don't abuse it. I'm working with about 80 lots with various agencies on the near north side <br />area and Heritage Foundation. Due to those agencies we get help with our youth, they help us, <br />and we also help the community by aiding certain agencies to beautify the city. Your right this is <br />a pilot program so we don't have all the answers. But it is a beginning a step to figure it out and <br />involve others in the process. This is a win/win situation and we appreciate the opportunity if <br />given a chance. <br />Becky Kaiser, 913 Diamond Ave, South Bend — I am for this for a couple reasons. At least once <br />a month we hear people to say what are we going to do about youth and crime. Then I hear <br />others say that the youth have nothing to do as they can't get a job. From my understanding this <br />is a resolution not an ordinance, this is our exploring devise to see what the feel of the <br />community and the council is going forward. To figure out the criteria is a great idea. We have <br />a need, we have a lot of young people with a need. I don't care if they make it $10. There will <br />have to be older people involved as it will be a mentoring program. I am completely for this so <br />that we can make it a program. <br />30 <br />