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-5- <br />representing the ppaarties casting the highest and next highest vote <br />in the county of `yt. Joseph, Indiana, of general circulation in the <br />county that on a date and hour and a place in Indiana to be named <br />in the notice, sealed bids will be received by the railroad company <br />for the work described therein. Each such notice shall beppublished <br />at least ten days before the date named therein. On the date and at <br />the time and place named in the notice such bids shall be publicly <br />opened and read. The Railroad Company ehall award such contract to <br />the lowest and best bidder but shall not execute any contract or <br />start work thereunder until such award shall have been approved by <br />the State, and submitted by it to the district engineer of the U. S. <br />Bureau of Public Roads and he has concurred in such award. <br />%1. The State shall initiate, handle and pay for all work <br />described in Article 1V (c), 1V (d) and V, except as herein other - <br />wise provided. Plans and specifications therefor shall be prepared <br />by the State and approved by the Railroad Company and the City as <br />their repsective interests may appear, before contracts are let or <br />work started thereon. <br />Xll. The Railroad Company shall keep complete records of <br />the cost of all contract work done, in the prosecution of the por <br />tions of the work to be performed by it and shall render monthly <br />statements of disbursements on account of such work to the State, <br />together with bills for its proper proportion thereof, which shall <br />be paid within sixty days, provided however that fifty percent of <br />the cost of steel work shall be chargeable to the State when it is <br />delivered to the site of the work and the balance when it is <br />incorporated in the work. Each party to this agreement shall submit <br />to theother parties on request, such information as they may require <br />concerning the cost and other details of the work. <br />Xlll. The parties hereto agree that in making or entering into <br />any contract with any contractor or contractors covering any portions <br />of the work herein contemplated, such contract shall provide that <br />such contractor or contractors shall furnish a bond conditioned, to <br />secure the faithful performance of such contract, and for the payment <br />of all lawful ealims of sub - contractors, material men and laborers <br />for labor performed and material furnished, or other services render- <br />ed in the carrying forward, performing and completing of siad con- <br />tract (said bond to be for the benefit of any material men or laborer <br />having a just claim against such contractor or sub - contractor), and <br />to indemnify and save harmless the Egiiroad Company, its tenants and <br />licensees, the City and the State, and the officers, agents and <br />employes thereof, from all loss, cost, expense, suits, claims or <br />demands of any character that may arise from or grow out of the per- <br />formance of such contract on account of injuries to person,or damage <br />to property, or for any infringement of patents, trademarks or copy - <br />Eights, end all claims arising or amounts recovered under the Workmen's <br />ompensation law or under any other laws, by -laws, orders, ordinances, <br />or decrees. And it is further agreed that such contractor or contractors, <br />sub - contractors or sub - contractor, shall furnish certificates of <br />issuance of public liability and Workmen's Compensation insurance for <br />the protection of the Railroad Company, its tenants and licensees* the <br />City and the State and the officers, agents, and employes thereof. <br />Said bond, certificates of issuance of public liability and Workmen's <br />Compensation insurance shall be in form, companies and. amounts satis- <br />factory to the State, the Railroad Company and the City. Said bond <br />shall be in the principal sum of not less than one and one -half (1 *) <br />times the amount of said contract price. <br />