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-4e- <br />and except as herein otherwise provided shall also, without cost to <br />the other parties rereto, arrange for any necessary changes in or <br />adjustment of publicly or privately owned utilities or other <br />property required for or made necessary by the proposed changes in <br />said streets. <br />V111. The pity agrees without cost to the State, to arrange <br />for the reconstruction of Arnold Street, f or the vacation of Cherry <br />Street, and for any reconstruction and /or vacation of any other <br />streets* alleys or other public property made necessary by the change <br />in grade of the railroad and /or the change in grade or location of <br />Western Avenue and Walnut Street. The City also agrees, without <br />Cost to the other parties hereto, to install or arrange for the <br />installation, maintenance, and operation of proper and adequate <br />automatfe traffic control lights to protect traffic on Western Avenue <br />and Walnut Streets it their intersection, such lights to be so <br />located, as not to eneroseh upon or reduce the traffic clearances of <br />the streets br underpass. <br />1X. Each of the parties gereto shall pay all the cost of <br />inspection, engineering, supervision, accounting, adminis traction. <br />watching, paving, track work, changes in wires, signals and other <br />appurtenances and of incidental items incurred by each respectively, <br />except that the State shall pay to the Railroad Company the sum of <br />seven thousand ($7,000.00) dollars as a partial reimbursement for <br />the cost of inspection, engineering, track work and changes in wires <br />and signals upon submission of itemized statements of such disburse- <br />ments aggregating a sum equal to or greater than $9,000.00. <br />X. The Railroad Company shall initiate, handle and in the <br />first instance pay for the raising of its tracks, the construction <br />of the railroad bridge, the excavation incidental theretoip the water - <br />proofilag of said bridge and for the track work involved therein, <br />including construction and removal of any necessary crossovers, and <br />detour or construction track, temporary beidges and /or track supports, <br />and all other work described in Article 1V (a) hereof. All work to <br />be charged to the State hereunder shall be let by contract to a con- <br />tractor or contractors who has adequate equipment, organization, and <br />finances for the work and who has previously constructed railroad <br />bridge, subway or track elevation work of equal or larger size involv- <br />ing the maintenance of main line railroad traffic during such con - <br />construction. The specifications for all such contracts shall include <br />the standard special provisions relating to hours, wages, methods of <br />work and other matters which hale been approved for national Recovery <br />Highway Projects in Indiana. BAforee bids shall be invited on any <br />such contracts, complete plans,' specifications, and forms of invita- <br />tion, advertisement, proposal and contract therefor shall have been <br />completed by the railroad company and approved by the City and the <br />State and submitted by the State to the district engineer of the <br />U. S. Bureau of Public Roads end by him formally recommended for <br />approval. For each such contract the railroad company shall then <br />give notice by at least one publication in two newspapers of general <br />circulation throughout the State of Indiana, and in two newspapers <br />