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-6- <br />XlV. Sach of the parties hereto agree to cooperate with <br />the others in every reasonable way for the prompt and safe execution <br />of the work and to proceed with the portion of the work to be done <br />by them as soon as practicable after necessary Federal approvals are <br />secured and to complete all work in accordance with the terms of <br />this agreement as soon as practicable, <br />%T. The pity agrees to pay any and all damages that may <br />accrue to property owners and occasioned by said improvement and to <br />hold the State of Indiana and the State Highway Commission of Indiana, <br />free and harmless therefrom. <br />XVl. After the construction of such grade separation as <br />herein provided for shall have been completed, the Railroad Company <br />shall at its own cost and expense maintain its roadway and track, <br />the structures supporting the some and the drainage thereof, and <br />the City shall without cost to the other parties hereto maintain <br />or arrange for the maintenance of' the streets, including the road- <br />ways and footwalks, the structures supporting the same and the <br />drainage thereof, and of saiditary sewers affected by the construc- <br />tion. <br />Ml. The City agree and pledges its good faith to institute <br />and diligently prosecute all necessary and proper porceedings for the <br />opening and adequate improvement of Western Avenue from Michigan Street <br />to Lincoln Way East, <br />This agreement shall be binding upon the legal representa- <br />tives and assigns of the respective parties hereto. <br />THE NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD 00 <br />BY T. W. EVANS, VICE- PRESID <br />Party of the Second Park/ <br />ATTEST: <br />E. F. STEPHENSON, SECIFTAR <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />BY DICK JOHNSON Cce'aQs) <br />ANTON ZMUDZINSKI /J <br />RALPH H. KUSS <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC TORKS <br />PARTY OF THE THIRD PART <br />THE STATE OF INDIANA <br />BY JAMES D. ADAMS <br />Chairman, State Highway Commission <br />Party of the First Part <br />APPROVED AS TO LEGALITY & FORM <br />PHILIP VUTZ JR. <br />Attorney General <br />State of Indiana. <br />