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Other construction contractors and sub - contractors not spec- <br />ially classified herein, $25.00. . <br />All license fees collected shall be paid into the general <br />fund of said city. <br />All licenses shall be for the calendar year in which issued <br />and shall automatically expire on the first day of January of the <br />suceeding year. Licenses remaining unrevoked may, upon application, <br />be renewed for each succeeding year upon payment of a renewal fee <br />as follows: Class A contractors, $15.00; Class B contractors, $10.00; <br />all other contractors, $5.00, and without any further examination. <br />Application for the renewal of a current license at any time before <br />January 1st of each year shall authorize operation as a contractor <br />by such licensee until actual issuance of such renewal license. <br />Each licensee shall keep his license displayed in a conspicuous <br />manner at the principal office or place of business whitin the city <br />of South Bend of such contractor and shall exhibit the same upon de- <br />mand of any public officer. Licensees shall report to the Building <br />Department any change of executive officers or address within <br />thirty days after the same shall occur. <br />Whenever application for a license is made by a firm, co- <br />partnership, corporation or association, an officer or agent of <br />the applicant who is to be in general charge of the construction <br />shall be designated to take the examination for such applicant. <br />Any person so taking the examination must be an active member of, <br />or a legally authorized agent or employee of the applicant and <br />cannot qualify to so operate under more than one license at any <br />one time, issued under the provisions of this ordinance. If such <br />officer or agent shall sever his connection with the contractor, <br />both he and the contractor shall immediately notify the Building <br />Department of such fact. The contractor shall, within a reasonable <br />time, not to exceed ten days, designate some other person to take <br />the examination for him which, if satisfactorily passed, will <br />entitle the contractor to operate under his license for the re- <br />-8- <br />