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a date for the hearing of the application and shall notify the <br />applicant in person or by mail at the address given of the time <br />and place where said application will be heard. The applicant <br />shall have the right to be present at such bearing in person and <br />by counsel and to present evidence in support of his application. <br />Any person opposed to the issuance of a license to the applicant <br />shall also be heard. If after such hearing the board finds that <br />the applicant 4" in all respects qualified as a construction con- <br />tractor under the provisions of this ordinance, they shall ex- <br />ecute in duplicate a certificate to that effect, one copy of <br />which shall be placed on file with the records of said board and <br />one copy of which shall be delivered to the applicant. Upon the <br />presentation of such certificate to the city comptroller, he <br />shall issue such license upon the payment by the applicant of a <br />further fee as follows: <br />General contractors are hereby divided into two classes, <br />designated as A and B classes. Class A contractors shall in- <br />clude all those general contractors engaged in or proposing to <br />engage in taking contracts for any kind of construction unlimited <br />in price and such Class A contractors shall pay an initial license <br />fee of 0100.00. <br />Class B contractors shall include only those general con- <br />tractors engaged in or proposing to engage in taking contracts <br />when the total contract price, including labor and material for <br />any one undertaking, does not exceed $25,000.00 and such Class B <br />contractors shall pay an initial license fee of 6,50.00. <br />Sub - building contractors (permitted to do general contracting <br />when the floor area of the building does not exceed 1500 square <br />feet without additional license; over 1500 square feet requires <br />general contractors license) shall pay an initial license fee of <br />-t7 <br />