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mainder of the calender year without any additional fee. Licenses <br />shall not be transferable except when there is a bona fide sale <br />and transfer of the property and business of the licensee and <br />then only where the individual in charge of construction has sat- <br />isfactorily passed the examination provided for by section four <br />of this ordinance. <br />LICENSE WHEN REFUSED. Section 9. If, after hearing, the <br />board shall find that the applicant is not qualified for a license <br />under the provisions of this ordinance, they shall execute, in <br />duplicate, a certificate to that effect stating therein the reason <br />or reasons why such application has been denied, one of which <br />copies shall be placed on file with the records of said board and <br />the other copy delivered or mailed to the applicant. If within <br />five days after the receipt of such notice the applicant shall <br />file with the clerk of the Board a verified petition for a rehear- <br />ing, stating therein that he has new and additional evidence to sub- <br />mit in support of his application and in opposition to the finding <br />of the board, a re- hearing shall be granted but no evidence shall <br />be heard except as bearing upon the reasons given by the board for <br />denying such application. After such re- hearing, the board shall <br />again pass upon such application, approving or denying the same, <br />and their action shall be final unless appealed from. Provided <br />that the applicant may, after a period of six months, file a new <br />application under the same prooeedure as provided for in his orig- <br />inal application. Provided further that if any application is re- <br />jected solely upon the ground that the person designated has failed <br />to pass the examination, the applicant may at any time amend his <br />application by designating a different person to take the examina- <br />tion upon the payment of an additional fee of $5.00 and shall be <br />entitled to a new hearing thereon. <br />APPEALS. HOW TAKEN. Section 10. If any application for <br />