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fade G-~3.-W~ I, the 1~ebe~° of tine fit. ;Ioeph ~~ty Inco~e <br />~".~ o~uncll l~ereb~ adapt and i~x~pase ~~~ch a tax xn fit. Jaseph <br />o~u~~t~ effcctl~e Dece~.ber 31, ~D~. <br />I~npo~itlor~ of the Public afet~ L1T in t. ~oeph o~nt~r <br />~nects all requi~e~~nent of ~.~. G~~.S-~~31~b~ and (c~, ~~. th~.t t. <br />~oeph aunty recently ~n~Posed a property tai relief Laca.l ptlon <br />I~~con~e Tax ~L~1T~ of at leapt 0~°/Q, ~~~d the p~b~~c afet~ tai to <br />be imposed, does ~~.~~ exceed ~.~~%. <br />~~l~P~ ~T, n~DlAl~~. I~~I ~'~ ~~~~, as <br />follas; <br />l~rl~~l~ ~. The St..Ioscph onty, India~~a Inco~le Tax <br />ounc~l inn ores tae public safety local option income tax Public <br />P <br />afet~ I~~~T} ~n t~~e taxpayers of t..loseph aunt, Indzana at a <br />r~.te of D,~S°/o effectx~e December 3 ~, ~00~. <br />~~`~~~ ~~. This ordinance meets all regireents of <br />Ind. ale ~ ~~~.5~~~ I ~b}. <br />~~TI~ III. If and po~~tlon of ~l~s rdlnance ~. declared <br />to be unconstit~~tianal ar ir~~alld for any reason, such deter~ninat~on <br />shall not affect the re~naining po:lon.s of this Or~~nance. <br />STIO ~~. This rdlnance shall be i~~ full force a~~d <br />_. <br />effect from and.. December ~ , OAS upon its passage b the <br />~. Joseph o~nty, Indiana, lnca~ne Tax oun.cil. <br />ETI~~ II~ This Iesalut~on shall be In full force and effect from and alter its adoption <br />by the an~an auncll a~~d approval by the day®~•. <br />Member, South Bend ~o~x~~~on o~ncll <br />~~ ~~ <br />~ ~ ~~lu <br />~~ <br />~~ <br />