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tl~' i l,` <br />,~~1 ~ ~ f f ~l r, <br />`` ~~~ <br />~~4~~ f~~ <br />~~ ~~~~~~ <br />~ ~ ~ <br />+ ~ <br />7 <br />~ ~ ~ <br />~~~~ <br />~~~ ~F c~u~ ~r~~ <br />STEPHEN J. ~,UECKE, N~AYOR <br />OFFICE ~F THE MAYOR <br />Na~ember ~S, ~aaS <br />11~F Tiath~~A. reuse <br />~reide~t, a~th Be~~d a~~l~cil <br />~~~~ ~'~oar, Cou~~~t~~i~y B~~idi~~ <br />nth Bendy ~ 4~6a~ <br />.e: Resal~ti~~~s A~~ro~i~~ ou~~t~ Tai o~~cil ~rdir~~r~ce for ~,oc~i option <br />~ncoe ~~~~ ~~.~~~T~~Puhic ~.fet~ rid ~~yope~~:~y T.x Relief <br />e president ~ou~e~ <br />I~~ p~~ aid a ~ D our ~ feces ~ severe revenue hortfal~ due to the effect of the property <br />tai ca ~u~der ~o~se r~ralled Act ~~~A.} ~ ~0 . T~~rou~haut the 0~9 City ~dget de~iberatzons, <br />the a~~~na~~ Cou~~cii his ie~1cd ha~v de~astatin the z~~pact v~iil be o~~ pity services if the budget <br />sha~~tfall projected ~u~ader SEA i~a~ take place. <br />~~, order to revent far e scaie reductia~~s ire City ser~rices, ine~~dir~g poiice ~~~~ ~~re <br />~ ~ <br />~otection ~ ~~~ fiii~a ~w~th file or~x~o~~ ou~~.eli two ~eso~ut~ons e~st~~~ youth Bud's 4a.~ votes <br />~. a ~r~e~r~be~ of the ou~~ ~~~carne Tax Board for t~~o loel optio~l i~~corne taxes ~t ~. can~~~ned r~.te <br />.5°l~. "fhesa taxes ~ri~l ravide ~"elief far ~ehaa~s, ~arl~s a~~~ ~~br~ries, a elf as fog' city a~~d <br />of ~ ~ <br />co~~t~ gover~u~e~at. <br />The t~va L~~T taxes sou ht to be ~datcd cor~lst of ~ public s~fet~ tai of .~~°I~ a1~.d ~ <br />~~~~ tax ~e~icf tax of ~ ~/o. B tat~~te, t~~e reve~~ue derived f~ any the public safety LET ~~~t be <br />prop ~ ~ <br />sited l~~to a se gyrate ~~d aid ~~st be appropriated "o~~l~ for u~~ic safety purposes." ~~~~d.. <br />depa ~ <br />o~.e ~~3.5~~~-3l ~~ Because tl~e ~ar~cst capa~~e~~t of tl~e its budget is fair pubic safety, <br />§ ~~~ <br />a o tia~~ aftl~is ~~lT mill revert drastic redctio~~s i~~ the ubiic safety segr~e~~t of she City budget. <br />d~ ~ <br />The ro e~ ~~~ relied~L~~T ~i~ be used to p~a~ide loea~ pre~ert~ tax cred~t~ at a ~nifar~n <br />~ ~ ~'' <br />to to all tax ers x~~ the ount~. It ~ est~ated that cau~ty-Ide this ~v1ll result in c~ edits far <br />ra ~ ~ <br />ra e~ ~~~ signifiea~~t aggregate sun~s~ Fay e~a~x~ple, zt is rod coed that ho~~neoners cou~~t- <br />~ ~ ~ <br />xde mould receive a total of over Z~ ~x~~ll~a~~ ~n property ~~~ relief ered~t. <br />o~~r~r~-~~~~ ~t~r~.~~r~~ 4 X27 . ~~~~~~~or~ ~Oll~.,~.~ARD • ~a~~ ~~ ~3E1~D, ~~~1~~~~ ~~0 ~ <br />~~o~~, ~741~~w9~6~ ¢ ~,47i ~74~~3~r9~~~ ~ "ADD ~~~123~-~56~ <br />