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{ ~~. # ~ to ~~ ~~ ~ ~ r 1 ,f'" <br />11 i ~ + <br />1 ~ ~ ~f <br />~ n _ ~ <br />' 4 ~ ~ f f Y ` <br />.... t {~. 4 .. ~. `yf <br />J_..~._~:...~_._. .... i h.~~ .i~i......~.........:....~__.__r <br />J.~J~R.+.i 1 1 \9 <br />A MP4+ M 4.f x..11 of S i 1 ~ 1 Y--+ V V .C T ~ RJ 1 l 'h..! V X1 ~,~.A V JL AFL ~ `4..F J6 V VJ R ILJl S JIIF <br />III IPI ~I~ TI I ". ~ I~ ~' ~' a <br />I~~P~ ITT I TAB IIII~ II ~JI~ AT I~ <br />rI`II~ I TAB <br />~~ER~.~, the arinnan Council of the City of o~utl~ Bend, India~~a reeonizes public <br />sfet .~ a priority for citizens of Saut~h ~~~, and acknaledges the need. to maintain effect~~e <br />pbli~ safely despite expected zos~ of property tax revenue; a~~d <br />~~~.~, the Indiana General ~.sse~r~bly rece~~tiy authorized focal bovernn~ents to <br />im ~~ a public safety loea~ option inca~ne tai ~~nblic Safety ~~"~ provided certain conditions <br />P <br />axe noel, wi~icb authority i~ codified at Ind. Code ~ ~-3.~~~-~ ~; and <br />~R~S~ there ~s a f~~ancia~ geed to pra~ide a public Safety ~~~T pursuant to ~.. ~~ <br />3.,~~~ I. <br />~~~, T~~BIF~I~, ~~ IT RBS~LID BY TIE CNI~N C~~.JN~ ~F T]~E <br />CITE ~ SOUTH BIND, INDI~N,A, a~ follows: <br />SITI~N I. The Con~nan ounci~ of the city of outb Bend,, prapose~ and <br />casts its ~4~.~9 rotes ~~. favor of the follov~in~ ~rdi~~ance of the t. Joseph Jaunty Inco~~.e Tax <br />Council: <br />'V ~JA..A A ' f <br />~'d ~I~P L]~T`~ ICI IPII A. I~II~I <br />I~~T IJ.~ ICI I~ T~ ~ <br />T. ~TS I'~, III,A.~ <br />TTI~~~T I~I~I~~ ~I IT <br />The ~. Joseph bounty I~~can~e Tax Cou~~~il recognizes that <br />maintaining public safety is a local go~e~~~~ent priority. The <br />I~Ill7~.X~ent decline ~n prope~~ty ~~. revenues ~hrcaten ~0 copran~~sc <br />and challenge iacai go~ernrne~t' ability to pro~idc high quality <br />public safety to citizens of St. Joseph aunty, In~ia~~a. <br />By enacting Indiana. bode ~-3.-~~~ ~ ~ the Indiana <br />legisiatare has provided a rnea~as far local ga~rernenl to help <br /> duality public safety through imposition of a public safety <br />local option inca~~ne tax ~pubiic Safety L~IT~. Pursuant to Indiana <br />