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REGULAR MEETING APRIL 15.2015 36 <br />FILING OF QUARTERLY TRAVEL AND TRAINING EXPENDITURES REPORT <br />DECEMBER 2014 THROUGH MARCH 2015 <br />Fire Chief Steve Cox submitted to the Board a written Quarterly Travel and Training Expenditures <br />Report for the period of December, 2014, and January, February, and March 2015. The report <br />summarizes travel and training expenditures for the South Bend Fire Department personnel during <br />this quarterly period. In his letter, Chief Cox stated that training is essential to all aspects of fire <br />service and it is necessary to remain abreast of the most current firefighting technologies and -- <br />emergency medical services. Assistant Chief James Lopez noted the training is up substantially this <br />quarter, but the Fire Department recognized the need for continual training for their Captains and <br />Chiefs. There being no questions concerning this report, the Quarterly Report for Travel and <br />Training Expenditures was accepted and filed <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />SET HEARING OF DISCIPLINARY CHARGES NO. 2015 -02 — THEODORE. ROBERT <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Taylor and carried, the Board approved the setting of <br />the hearing of Charges No. 2015 -02 for Theodore Robert for May 11, 2015. <br />DENY REQUEST FOR HEARING OF DISCIPLINARY CHARGES — SUZANNE DIETER <br />In a letter to the Board, Chief Teachman informed the Board that Patrolwoman Suzy Dieter was <br />advised of a three day suspension without pay due to violations of Police Department Duty Manual, <br />Section 302.00(A)(31) entitled Rules of Conduct. Subsequently, Patrolwoman Dieter submitted a <br />letter to the Board in which she requested the Board give her an opportunity for a hearing on the <br />discipline. President Collins stated the Board discussed this request in their Executive Session and <br />concluded that based on State Statute, it is under the Chief of Police's authority to impose a <br />suspension under five (5) days. He noted the discipline did not include a demotion or exceed five (5) <br />days, therefore they agreed the Chief was acting under his authority. Upon a motion by Mr. Taylor, <br />seconded by Mr. Miller and carried, the request for a hearing was denied. <br />APPROVE CHANGES TO DUTY MANUAL GENERAL ORDERS IRECORD <br />Chief Teachman stated he submitted a draft of the B2ecord policy to the Board at a previous meeting <br />and he is now asking the Board for their final approval of the new General Order policy. Upon a <br />motion by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Miller and carried, the change to the Duty Manual in the <br />form of a General Order was approved. <br />ACCEPT AND APPROVE DECLARATION OF RETIREMENT DAVID GNOTH <br />In a letter to the Board, Police Chief Ronald Teachman submitted the Application and Declaration <br />for Retirement for Patrolman David Gnoth effective May 11, 2015. Chief Teachman noted that he is <br />retiring after serving the Department for thirty -six (36) years, five (5) months, and fourteen (14) <br />days. Upon a motion made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Taylor and carried, the retirement was <br />accepted and approved. <br />ACCEPT AND APPROVE RESIGNATION — DEVON JOHNSON <br />In a letter to the Board, Police Chief Ronald Teachman advised he is in receipt of a letter of <br />resignation from Patrolman Devon Johnson in which he tenders his resignation from the South Bend <br />Police Department, effective April 6, 2015. Chief Teachman stated in his letter, that Patrolman <br />Johnson was sworn on the South Bend Police Department on March 10, 2010. Upon a motion made <br />by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Taylor and carried, the resignation was accepted and approved. <br />APPROVAL OF SPECIAL POLICE COMMISSION SEAN KILLIAN <br />Police Chief Ronald Teachman recommended that a Special Police Commission for a Security <br />Officer for Indiana University South Bend be issued until revoked, for the above referred to <br />individual. This Commission is issued for the purpose of issuing citations for parking violations <br />where such violations have fines set by Ordinance and State Law. Chief Teachman stated in his letter <br />all of these officers are sworn and certified through the State of Indiana by the Indiana Law <br />Enforcement Academy Training Board. This commission has the same authority as a sworn police <br />officer in which they have the authority to carry a weapon and the powers of arrest. Upon a motion <br />made by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Miller and carried, the Special Police Commission was <br />approved. <br />