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for final inspection of plumbing and house drainage. -ftil inspeoior <br />shall file such notioe, and make such inspection under the same regmlationt;;. <br />herein provided with reference to Final inspecting of plumbing and housse <br />drainage as far as same may be applicable, If the same be approved by <br />him, he shall issue a oertifieate of approval therefor to the proper person." <br />It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to use such oesspool <br />until such inspector has approved same. <br />Section 1821 It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to turn <br />on or cause to be turned on, the water supply in the service pipe leading <br />from the city water system and oonduoting water to any premises or build <br />ing without a written order from the plumbing Inspector approving the <br />plumbing and drainage of said building, provided, however, that the water <br />may be turned on for the purpose of testing the plumbing and drainage syst"A <br />and it ii hereby made the duty of the person or persons causing acid water <br />to be turned on to see that same is turned off immediately after such test* <br />have been made, provided, further, however, that water may be turned on <br />for use during building oonstruotion If the proper permit has been obtained <br />from the Oity Water Worko Department, and it shall be the duty of the person <br />or persons desiring use of sold water to so nitify the said department* <br />Section 183: When the installation of the water service in any <br />building or premises is completed the plumber doing such work shall sign <br />and execute a written report of such work giving name, street and number <br />of the premises where such work roe done and performed, the size and 16— <br />cation of the tap, location of service pipe and service box, between the <br />main anti consumer's property, the number and kind of fixturer)fe : in•�.::: , <br />stalled for the use of more then one family or tenant, the number of such <br />persons. Suoh plumber shell file said written report with the inspoator <br />of plumbing, who shall examine game, and if he finds it to be correct, shall <br />approve, it and file the same with the superintendent of Water Department" <br />and it shall be a violation of this ordinance for any person to Pile a <br />false statement or report as to the number and kind of fixtures or the <br />size and location of tap or service boxes* <br />Section IrA; Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to apply <br />to any connections with the water system of this city which are made by <br />