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placed out of doors nor in the cellar of any tenament house, except as <br />an appurtenance to an engine or boiler room and then only in case such <br />cellar water closet is lighted and ventilated. <br />Section 111: No water closet or urinal bowl or trough, excepting <br />anti - freezing closets, shall be supplied directly from the water supply <br />pipes* Every water closet or urinal bowl or trough shall either be Plush - <br />ed by an improved flushometer valve or indirectly flushed through a flush- <br />ing tank of at least five (5) gallons capacity for each water olosets and <br />two (2) gallons for each urinal. <br />Section 112: A group of urinals, on the same floor, subject to con- <br />stant use as in schools and factories may be supplied from one (1) tank, <br />if provided with an automatic simultaneous flush provided that each in- <br />dividual urinal shall receive not less than one (1) gallon of water at each <br />flushing and the discharge is of such force as to oleanse such individual <br />bowl at each flush, All public urinals in saloons, hotels, comfort sta. <br />dons, and similar locations shall be equipped with automatic flush tanks: <br />Section 115: No plumbing fixtures shall be located in any room or <br />apartment which does not contain a window placed in an external wall of <br />the building or is not provided with a system of ventilation. <br />Mompartnents containing not more than Pour (d) oiosets or their <br />equivalent nhall be looated in an apartment containing windows not less <br />than 12 sq, fte in area and provided with a gravity or meohanioal system <br />or ventilation which will change the air at normal temperature not less <br />than six (6) times per hour, or may be placed in a compartment without <br />windows in the external well of the building, providing a meohanioal <br />system of ventilation is installed which will oheage the air at normal <br />temperature not less than six (6) times per hour. <br />Section 114; All rooms containing a public lavatory shall have <br />ventilation to the outer air by an air shaft or duct sufficient to prov- <br />ide the necessary ventilation of the room. <br />Ventilation from toilet rooms shall be separate and distinct and have <br />no connection whatever with the other ventilating ducts in the building* <br />when water closets or urinals are not placed in a separate and proper_' <br />1y ventilated room the partitions around the same shall be extended to the <br />