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pipes shall discharge into an open fixture or upon the aeRer floor. All <br />arrangements shall be subject to the approval of the Plumbing Inspector. <br />Section 97: The waste pipes and traps for said tanks, sinks and <br />other reaeptcales receiving the discharge of aoids in chemical 3wberator- <br />los, electrotyping, lithographing and other similar establishments must <br />be math of Duriron, extra heavy lead pipe, or lead -lines pipe of adequate <br />durability. The waste pipes may be of vitrified clay when placed outside <br />the building. <br />Section 98: Waste pipes from milk vats, sterilizers, eta., shall <br />be of the same size and material as wastes from sinks, eta, such wastes <br />may discharge on a watertight floor having a catch basin, or they may <br />discharge into a properly oonstruoted sink* <br />When connected to a drain, soil or waste pipe, such waste pipes <br />shall be separately trapped and revented. <br />Section 99: Waste pipes for wash tr€ays,,washing machines and other <br />like fixtures in public laundries, or dye, houses, eta,, located in rooms <br />having watertight floors and a properly constructed floor wash trap, may <br />discharge on said floor* <br />Section 108; Kitchen or other greasy wastes from hotels, restaurants.'' <br />club houses, public institutions or other establishments in which 000king <br />is done or greasy wastes obtain, shall be intercepted by an approved <br />catch basin or a grease trap, and then conducted to the house sewer. <br />Section 101: Any change in the location of a plumbing fixture shell <br />be governed by the same rules as herin provided for new work, and shell <br />be subject to the inspection and approval of the Plumbing Inspector* <br />Section 102: All reaeptables used for water closets, urinals or other- <br />wise for the disposal of human exorets, shall be either vitrified earthen- <br />ware, hard natural stone or cast iron white prooelain enameled inside* <br />If oast iron is used, it shall be enameled, or painted on the outside with <br />at least three M coats of non - absorbent and non - corrosive paint* <br />Section 103; The bowls and traps for water closets shall be made in <br />one piece and of such shape and form as4o hold sufficient quantity of <br />water when filled up to the trap overflow so as to completely submerge any <br />matter deposited in them and properly flush and scout the soil pipe when <br />