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Bell traps or traps having covers over handholes on the sewer side <br />of the trap which are held in place by bolts or lugs, are prohibited. <br />In no Ouse shall a waste pipe from any other fixture be connected <br />to the house side,or in the seal of the water oloset trap, or be wiped <br />Into the heel of a lead bends <br />Such connections shall be made so that the discharge of water shall <br />not disturb the seal of the water closet trap. <br />Overflow pipes from fixtures shall in each case be connected on the <br />inlet side of the trap, <br />Section 921 No steam, exhaust, blowoff, drip or return pipe from <br />any steam trap shall connect with the sever or with any house drain, soil, <br />or waste pipe or rainwater drain pipe, without being properly trapped* <br />The water or steam of condensation from such pipes entering any sewer car <br />drain, shall not be over loo degrees Fahrenheit# All steam condensation <br />discharge into any sewer shall be properly trapped with a check valve, <br />Inspected, and sAiermit shall be required therefor. <br />Section 93t 911 direct connected hydraulic elevators, lifts, or <br />pressure machines shall be provided with an intermediate tank of sufficient <br />capacity as to discharge its waste without pressure into any sewer, drain, <br />soil or waste pipe# Such tanks shall be trapped. <br />Section 94t The waste pipe from a refrigerator, ice box or ice trap, <br />or any reaeptable in which provisions are utored, shall not oonneot dimt- <br />ly to any drain, soil or waste pipes, and such waste pipes shall be ar- <br />ranged so that they may be properly flushed# The discharge of same shell <br />run into an open fixture properly trapped and with a water supply brout t <br />to same to maintain the seal in trap when the refrigerator is not iced <br />or in use* Where two or more refrigerator waste pipes lead into a <br />common discharge pipe, said disohnrge pipe shall be continued full size <br />up through the roof and terminated with an open and for ventilation, <br />Seetion 951 The overflow pipe from a tank shall not be directly <br />connected with any drain, soil or waste pipe* Such pipe shill discharge <br />Into an open fixture or in a roof gutter* <br />Section 961 WSSte pipes from safe wastes placed underneath fixtures <br />shall not be directly connected with any drain, soil or waste pipe* Suah <br />