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9 <br />their water level, and shall be so located as to protect their seals. <br />Section 881 Cleanouts shall be the same size as the pipe up to <br />four (4) inches in diameter and not less than four (4) inches for larger <br />pipe or traps. <br />Cleanouts shall be provided as follows: At the foot of all vertical <br />lines of soil pipe, and at the end of each horizontal line. The distance <br />between the cleanouts shall not exceed fifty (50) feet, <br />All traps and cleanouts shall be located so as to be easily access. <br />able for cleaning. <br />Section 89t Each single fixture shall be separately trapped by <br />a not less then two (2) inch water seal trap, placed as close to the <br />fixture as possible. <br />No oellar or area drain shall be placed within five(8) feet of a <br />house drain or soil stook to whioh a rainwater drain oonneots unless said <br />floor drain is properly revented. <br />All floor drains in toilet rooms and beneath urinals shall be revent- <br />ed as herein provided for other fixtures. <br />A set of not more than three wash trays or wash stands or a set of <br />one or two wash trays with sink combined, may oonneot with a. single trap, <br />provided the trap is placed central and the branches oonneot into the <br />house side of the traps. <br />Section 90: Traps for bath tubs, basins, sinks, or other similar <br />fixtures shall be made of lead, brass or galvanized oast iron. Drum traps <br />shall be used for the foot seat or bath tubs and shall not be less than <br />four (4) inches in diameter. <br />Galvanized or cast iron traps shall be extra heavy full bore throng h- <br />oot, and have a smooth interior water way and threads tapped out of solid <br />â–ºpetal* <br />iron drum traps shall be made of extra heavy oast or malleable iron, <br />or galvanized, and the.drum shall not exceed four (4) inches in diameter. <br />Drum Traps shall have a water seal of not more than seven (7) inches nor <br />less than two inches. <br />Section 91, There shill be no trap at the foot of soil or waste pipe <br />staoks upon the house drain or house serer. <br />