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or galvanized wrought iron pipe when placed within the walls of any <br />house or building and shall be tested by the water test, as hereinafter <br />provided for soil stae$se <br />Section 83: Conductor pipes shall not be used as soil, waste, vent- <br />ing, back vent pipes, <br />section 84. When an existing sheet mettl oondiuotor pipe within the <br />walls of any building becomes defective, such conductor shall be replaced <br />by one whiob conforms to this Codew <br />Section 85t Each cellar or area drain shall be provided with a deep <br />seal trap, with oleanout opening in full view and flush with the floor, <br />i.e. the trap must contain at least a four (4) inch water seal and be <br />constructed on the continuous pipe trap principle, the trap seal is in- <br />dioated by the height of the water column measured between the overflow <br />and the tip separating the inlet and outlet arms of the trap, Such drain <br />shall in no once be placed within five (5) feet of the base of the soil <br />staek to which a rain water drain oonneots, unless a said floor drain <br />is properly reventeds <br />set of not more than three wash trays or waak stands or a set of <br />one or two wash trays with sink oombined, may connect with a single trap, <br />provided the trap is placed central and the branches connect into the <br />house side of the traps. <br />Section 86. Every trap shall be sell' cleaning, No form of trap <br />whAdh depends upon the action of movable parts for its seal shall be used. <br />No trap which depends upon concealed interior partitic,n that, in case <br />of defeat, would allow the paosage of sewer air, shall be used. Each <br />urinal must be separately trapped immediately under the fixture except <br />When batteries of urinals of a type having continuous flaw of water are <br />used, when a single trap will suffice. <br />Section 87, Each trap except floor drains shall have a water seal <br />of not less than two ino )Xes. <br />Traps placed between the floor shall have a brass trap screw for <br />oleaning in plain view ar flush with the floor, or readily aocessible from <br />or under the floor. <br />All traps shall be rigidly supported and set true with respect to <br />