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furnace may be made of either black or galvanized iron not lighter than No. 26 <br />U. S. S. Guage. The outer casing must be made of galvanized iron not lighter <br />than No. 26 U. S. S. Guage. A uniform air space shall be maintained at all <br />points between the inner and outer casing. In no case shall the top of the <br />heater be allowed closer than 12 inches to any ceiling or joists above the <br />furnace. <br />(b) Where joists are cut to accommodate this furnace, headers shall <br />be put in and braced. <br />(c) Article No. 4 for determining sizes of warm -air pipe shall not <br />govern in figuring a pipeless furnace. <br />(d) There one warm -air register face is used and separate face or <br />faces for return-air supply are used, then Article No. 5, Section 8 shall apply. <br />Article 7 - Chimney <br />The following provisions shall be made by the owner or building <br />contractor in any building wherein a gravity warm -air heating system is to <br />be installed. Provide a chimney for the furnace, constructed in a manner to <br />comply with the following specifications: <br />(a) The chimney must be absolutely smoke tight throughout its entire <br />length, and must extend at least 3 feet above a flat roof or 2 feet above the <br />ridges of peak roofs. <br />(b) I£ built of a single thickness of brick or of concrete blocks <br />it shall be lined throughout its entire length with fire -clay lining, having <br />not less than $/4 inch thickness. Flue linings to be laid in mortar and made <br />air tight. <br />(c) The furnace flue must have no other opening for attaching any <br />fireplace, furnace, stove, range, water heater, gas or ventilating connectioh. <br />(d) If necessary to effect the flue it must be done in such a manner <br />as not to reduce the cross sectional area or create a ledge or obstruction, where <br />loose material may lodge. <br />(e) Where two or more flues are included in one chimney they must be <br />completely separated from top to base by masonry partitions not less than 4 inches <br />thick. Each flue must have a separate cleanout. <br />- 11 - <br />