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(f) The return -air face, or faces, shall be made of metal. there <br />return -air face is placed in a seat or side wall (whether furnished by owner, <br />general contractor, or furnace contractor) the open work of face must extend to <br />within at least 1 inch of the floor line and not more than 14 in. high. <br />Section 9 - Smoke Pipes. <br />(a) The smoke pipe shall be as short and direct as consistent with <br />the location of the furnace. It shall be made of metal not lighter than No. 24 <br />U. S. Standard Gauge, and not less than the full size of the collar on the furnace <br />throughout its entire length. It must have no opening for attaching fireplace, <br />stove, range, water heater, gas or ventilating connection. It shall be lock <br />seamed or riveted; all joints shall lap not less than lz inches and it shall be <br />rigidly secured. Cast -iron smoke pipe may be used. <br />(b) All smoke pipes shall be provided with check dampers, placed on <br />the side of the pipe or at the end of a tee; when cast -iron smoke pipe dampers <br />are used they must be placed between the check damper and the furnace and supported <br />on both sides of the pipe. <br />(c) Where the smoke pipe enters the flue, a thimble shall be cemented <br />into the flue and the connections thereto made air tight. Should,any smoke pipe <br />come within 18 inches of any combustible material, such combustible material must <br />be covered with asbestos paper and a metal shield so fastened that a 2 inch air <br />space exists between this shield and the combustible material. This shield shall <br />be no less in size than twice the diameter of the smoke pipe and of sufficient <br />length to cover the combustible material at all points. <br />(d) No smoke pipe shall project through any external wall or window. <br />No furnace connection is to be made to a flue without a cast iron or steel cleanout <br />having first been provided in the flue. <br />Article b - .Pipeless Furnaces. <br />(a) :then but one duplex grating is used for both warm air and return <br />air in a so- called pipeless furnace, the area of the return -air intake shall be <br />at least equal to the area of the warm -air outlet of the grating. Art. 5, Sec. 4, <br />relative to casings shall not govern when this type of furnace is installed, but <br />th9 following specifications shall be followed: The inner casing of this type of <br />- 10 - <br />