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Saturday, and between the hours of eight (8:00) o'clock A.M. and eight - <br />thirty (8:30) o'clock P.M. on any Monday, except holidays; provided however <br />that within the meaning of this Ordinance the term "holiday" shall include <br />the following days only: The first day of January, the 30th day of May, <br />the fourth of July, the first Monday in September, the twenty -fifth day of <br />December, and the day designated and set aside by the President of the <br />United States as a day of Thanksgiving. <br />Section 10. It shall be unlawful and a violation of the provi- <br />sions of this Ordinance for any person: <br />(a) To cause, allow, permit or suffer any vehicle registered <br />in the name of, or operated by such person to be parked overtime, or <br />beyond the period of legal parking time established for any parking meter <br />zone as herein described, or to deposit in any parking meter any coin for <br />the purpose of parking beyond the maximum legal parking time for the par- <br />king time for the particular parking meter zone. <br />(b) To permit any vehicle to remain or be placed in any parking <br />space adjacent to any parking meter while said meter is displaying a signal <br />indicating that the vehicle occupying such parking space has already been <br />parked beyond the period prescribed for such parking space. <br />(c) To park any vehicle across any line or marking of a parking <br />meter space or in such position that the vehicle shall not be entirely within <br />the area designated by such lines or markings. <br />(d) To deface, injure, tamper with, open or wilfully break, <br />destroy, or impair the usefulness of any parking meter installed under the <br />provisions of this Ordinance. <br />(e) To deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking meter <br />any slugs7 device or metal substance, or other substitute for lawful coin <br />or coins. <br />Section 11. It shall be the duty of the Police Department to <br />enforce the provisions of this Ordinance. Whenever a member of the police <br />department of the City of South Bend, Indiana, or other person charged with <br />the enforcement of this Ordinances shall find that Section three (3) or <br />Section four 0+) or Section seven (7) or Section eight (8) or Section nine <br />(9) or Section ten (10) (a) (b) or (c) is being or has been violated by <br />-7- <br />