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the owner or operator of any vehicles such officer or person shall notify <br />such owner or operator of such vehicles in writing, on a form to be pro- <br />vided by the City, of such violation. Such notice shall be made in dupli- <br />cate and shall be serially numbered and show the specific violation charged, <br />the registration or state license number of the vehicle involved, the <br />violator's name, address and operatorts license number if possible to <br />obtain the same and any other information which he may then and there dis- <br />cover. One copy of such notice shall be presented to the violator or owner <br />or operator of such vehicle, and in case such violator, operator or owner <br />shall not be in possession of, present, or in charge of such vehicle, the <br />posting of such notice or the attachment thereof to a conspicuous place on <br />such vehicle shall be deemed a sufficient notice of such violation. Said <br />notice shall require the person who has received said notice to appear <br />within 48 hours at the hour specified in the notice at the City of Snuth <br />Bend Police Station. It shall be the duty of the officer or person serving <br />such notice to file the duplicate copy thereof in the office of the Police <br />Department of said City. <br />The owner or operator of such vehicle who has been so notified of a <br />violation of this Ordinance, as herein provided, may, within the forty =eight <br />(48) hours after having been so notified, answer at the office of the Tkaf£ic <br />Bureau <br />/of the Police Department of the City of South Bend, Indiana, to the charge <br />of such violation of this Ordinance as set forth in said notice and pay a <br />prescribed feet of One ($1.00) dollar in settlement of said offense or <br />charge; and acceptance of and payment of said fee and the authority by the <br />said Clerk shall be deemed complete satisfaction for the violation and the <br />violator shall be given a receipt which so states. <br />Whenever any person has been issued a notice as provided in this <br />section for the violations as in this section set forth, and shall fail or <br />refuse to appear within the forty -eight (48) hours after such service of such <br />notice as herein provided at the said Police Station, or having appeared <br />shall fail or refuse to pay to the said Clerk of said Police Department the <br />said fee in settlement of said charge and violation, then it the <br />- 8 - <br />