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deposit or cause to be deposited in said meter such proper coin or coins <br />of the United States of America as is required for such parking meter and <br />as is designated by proper directions on the said meter and this Ordinance <br />and shall also set in operation the timing mechanism on such meter in <br />accordance with directions properly appearing thereon, and failure to de- <br />posit such proper coin or coins, and to set the timing mechanism in oper- <br />ation when so required, shall constitute a violation of this Ordinance. <br />Upon the deposit of such coin or coins (and the setting of the timing <br />mechanism in operation when so required) the parking space may be lawfully <br />occupied by such vehicle during the period of time which has been pre- <br />scribed for the part of the street in which said parking space is located <br />provided that any person placing a vehicle in a parking meter space <br />adjacent to a meter which indicates that unused time has been left in the <br />meter by the previous occupant of the space shall not be required to deposit <br />a coin so long as his occupancy of said space does not exceed the indicated <br />unused parking time. I£ said vehicle shall remain parked in any such <br />parking space beyond the parking time limit set for such parking space, <br />and if the meter shall indicate such illegal parking, then and in that, <br />event, such vehicle shall be considered as parking overtime and beyond the <br />period of legal parking time, and such parking shall be deemed a violation <br />of this Ordinance. <br />Section 9. (a) Parking or standing a vehicle in a designated <br />space in a parking meter zone shall be lawful for twelve (12) minutes <br />upon deposit of a one -cent coin, twenty -four (24) minutes upon the deposit <br />of two (2) one -cent coins, thirty -six (36) minutes upon the deposit of <br />three (3) one -cent coins, forty -eight (48) minutes upon deposit of four <br />(4) one -cent coins, or sixty (60) minutes upon the deposit of five (5) <br />one -cent coins or one (1) five -cent coin of the United States of America; <br />provided that it shall be unlawful to remain parked in any such parking <br />space beyond the parking time limit set for such parking space. <br />(b) Said parking meters shall. be operated in said parking <br />meter zones between the hours of eight (8:00) o'clock A.M. and five- thirty <br />(5:30) o'clock P.M. on any Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and <br />- 6 - <br />