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REGULAR MEETING MARCH 10 20I5 68 <br />Mr. Gilot advised that Ms. This. Vawter, Engineering, has submitted Change Order No. I on <br />behalf of Indiana Earth, Inc., 10343 McKinley Highway, Osceola, Indiana, indicating the <br />Contract amount be increased by $3,168 for a new Contract sum, including this Change Order, . in <br />the amount of $170,968. Upon a motion made by Mr. Relos, seconded by Mr. Henthom and <br />carried, the Change Order was approved. <br />APPROVE LIQUIDATED DAMAGES - WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT PRIMARY <br />CLARIFIER REHABILITATION AND EQUIPMENT UPGRADES - HYDROGRITTER - <br />PROJECT NO. I11-071 (WASTEWATER CAPITAL) <br />Mr. Gilot advised that Mr. Jacob Kloskinski, has submitted a request for the Board's approval to <br />impose liquidated damages on L.D. Docsa Associates, Inc., 1605 King Highway, Kalamazoo, <br />Michigan for the hydrogritter for the above project in the adjusted amount of 58,750 and five (5) <br />calendar days. Mr. Gilot noted the specifications for the hydrogritter were unique and dealt with <br />this equipment piece separately, with no relation to the other equipment. Attorney Schmidt <br />concurred and noted the hydrogritter issue has no interference with the greater issue with L.D. <br />Doesa and the City, it is separate and apart from the other delays. He stated he is comfortable <br />moving forward with this as it will not have an impact on the other liquidated damages on the <br />other equipment related to this project. Upon a motion made by Mr. Relos, seconded by Mr. <br />Henthorn and carried, . the liquidated damages for the hydrogritter were approved as outlined <br />above. <br />APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO ADVERTISE FOR THE RECEIPT OF BIDS AND TITLE <br />SHEET - WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT GRIT AND SCREENINGS <br />IMPROVEMENTS - PROJECT N0. 114 -075 (2012 SEWER BOND) <br />In a memorandum to the Board, Mr. Jacob Kloskinski, Environmental Services, requested <br />permission to advertise for the receipt of bids for the above referenced project. Also presented at <br />this time for approval and execution was the Title Sheet. Upon a motion made by Mr. Relos, <br />seconded by Mr. Henthom and carried, the above request to advertise was approved, and the <br />Title Sheet was approved and signed. <br />APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO ADVERTISE FOR THE R ECEIPT OF BIDS - ONE !) L M <br />MORE 2015 OR NEWER LP POWERED LIFT TRUCK (SPEC O) (TRAFFIC & LIGHTING <br />CAP ITAL PRINCIPAL & INTEREST) <br />In a memorandum to the Board, Mr. Jeff IIudak, Central Services, requested permission to <br />advertise for the receipt of bids for the above referenced equipment. Therefore, upon a. motion <br />made by Mr. Rclos, seconded by Mr. Henthom and carried, the above request was approved. <br />APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO ADVERTISE FOR THE RECEIPT OF BIDS - FIRE <br />HYDRANT AND VALVES INVENTORY (WATER WORKS REVEN>JE) <br />In a memorandum to the Board, Mr. Robert Krol, Water Works, requested permission to <br />advertise for the receipt of bids for the above referenced equipment. Therefore, upon a motion <br />made by Mr. Relos, seconded by Mr. IIenthotn and carried, the above request was approved. <br />APPROVAL O F RF.OUEST "1'O flDVERTJSE FOR THE RECEIPT OF BIDS - DUCTILE <br />IRON PIPE INVENTORY (WATER WORKS REVENUSI <br />In a memorandum to the Board, Mr. Robert Krol, Water Works, requested permission to <br />advertise for the receipt of bids for the above referenced equipment. Therefore, upon a motion <br />made by Mr. Relos, seconded by Mr. Hcnthom and carried, the above request was approved. <br />APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO ADVERTIS FOR TIIE RECEIPT OF BIDS - MADISON <br />STREET AND MARION STREET ONE - WAY TO TWO -WAY CONVERSION - PROJECT <br />NO. 114 -034 (2015 TIT INFRASTRUCTURE BOND) <br />In a memorandum to the Board, Mr. Roger Nawrot, Engineering, requested permission to <br />advertise for the receipt of bids for the above referenced project. Therefore, upon a motion made <br />by Mr. Relos, seconded by Mr. Henthom and carried, the above request was approved. <br />APPROVAL OF REOUEST TO ADVERTISE FOR THE RECEIPT OF BIDS - DEMOLITION <br />(L OSS RECOVERY FUND) R MORE OR LESS. VACANT AND ABANDONFD HOMES PROJECT NO 115 012 <br />(L <br />In a memorandum to the Board, Mr. Michael Carey, Engineering, requested permission to <br />advertise for the receipt of bids for the above referenced project. Therefore, upon a motion made <br />by Mr. Pawlowski, seconded by Mr. Relos and carried, the above request was approved. <br />