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Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 of the SBMC <br />Page 6 <br />The Council President shall appoint the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of each standing <br />committee following his or her election as Council President. A majority of the total membership <br />of a standing committee shall constitute a quorum. The Council President shall have the right to <br />vote on each standing committee only in the event of a tie. <br />The Office of the City Clerk shall provide notice of all committee meetings, pursuant to applicable <br />state law. Such notice(s) shall also be sent to all citizen members on a committee calling a meeting, <br />along with all copies of documents sent to a standing committee for review and recommendation. <br />(j) The Council President may appoint special or ad hoc committees. Such committees <br />shall be considered advisory to the Common Council. Such committees shall file appropriate <br />written reports addressing the issue(s) for which they were created with the Council President. <br />Following the completion of their purpose, such special or ad hoc committee shall be dissolved by <br />the Council President unless a majority of the Common Council determines to continue the <br />existence of such committee for a long period of time. <br />(k) The governing rules of the Common Council as far as they are applicable shall be <br />the rules of each of the standing committees unless determined otherwise by the Committee <br />Chairperson. <br />(1) It shall be the duty of the Chairperson of each Council Committee to report <br />promptly to the Common Council on all proposed resolutions, ordinances, and other matters <br />referred to it for review and recommendation. <br />{m) Public hearings on proposed resolutions or ordinances coming before a standing <br />committee shall be conducted pursuant to the following procedures: <br />(1) Report by an entity having advisory review [Example: Area Plan, Board of <br />Zoning Appeals, Board of Public Works, Community Development, etc]; <br />(2) Presentation by the parties filing the proposed legislation with copies of all <br />handouts being presented to all Council Members and for the public record; <br />(3) Public Portion: Those speaking in favor shall be followed by those speaking <br />in opposition. <br />(4) Rebuttal by the petitioning parties. <br />(~ Committee discussion and recommendation by proper motions. <br />(n) The standing committees are authorized to receive exhibits, hear witnesses, and use <br />all applicable powers to procure relevant information on issues referred for review and <br />recommendation. The Committee Chairperson shall report to the Common Council verbally on all <br />action taken on proposed resolutions and ordinances. <br />(o) In order to assure proper respect to the conduct of all standing committee hearings, <br />the highest standards of dignity, propriety ,courtesy and decorum shall be upheld in order to <br />assure the proper fact-finding mission through the hearing process. The Chairperson may <br />establish special rules governing such hearings as circumstances may require. <br />