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SECTION 9. DUTIES OF THE COMMISSION <br />The Commission is authorized and shall: <br />(a) Formulate a voluntary plan of education to promote fair <br />employment practices by employers, employees, labor organisa- <br />tions, employment agencies and the general public to eliminate <br />employment discrimination based on race, religious creed, color, <br />national origin or ancestry. <br />(b) Receive, investigate and see" to adjust all complaints of <br />discriminatory employment practices prohibited by this ordinance. <br />(c) Render to the Common Council and the Mayor from time to time <br />or upon request, but not less than annually, a report of its <br />activities. <br />(d) Confer and cooperate with and furnish technical assistance <br />to employers, labor organizations, employment agencies and other <br />public and private agencies in formulating educational programs <br />for elimination of employment discrimination based on race, <br />religious creed, color, national origin or ancestry. In connec- <br />tion herewith, the Commission may stimulate the establishment <br />of committees in industry, labor or other areas. <br />(e) Make technical studies and prepare and disseminate educa- <br />tional material relating to discrimination and ways and means of <br />reducing and eliminating it. <br />(f) Make specific and detailed recommendations to the interested <br />parties as to the method of eliminating discrimination in employ- <br />ment. <br />(g) Adopt such reasonable rules and procedures as are necessary <br />to effect the purposes of this ordinance. <br />(h) Make such investigations and studies in any field of human <br />relations in the community as in the judgment of the commission <br />will aid in effectuating its general purposes. <br />(i) Inquire into incidents of division and conflict based upon <br />discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin <br />or ancestry and see' - to correct the same by recommending to appro- <br />priate agencies, either public or private, such actions as may be <br />considered necessary or helpful in eliminating such discrimination. <br />(j) Conduct and recommend such educational and other programs as, <br />in the judgment of the commission, will increase good will among <br />inhabitants of the community and assure equal opportunities in all <br />phases of community life for all inhabitants regardless of race; <br />color, religion, national origin or ancestry. <br />SECTION 10. INVESTIGATION, HEARING, COMPL <br />(a) On receipt of any complaint involving an unfair employment <br />practice, the commission shall determine the facts and if there <br />appears to be probable cause for complaint, the commission shall <br />use its office to attempt an adjustment by education, concili- <br />ation and conference. Ninety (90) days shall be allowed for this <br />purpose. <br />