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(b) If in the opinion of a majority of the commission the efforts <br />to settle any complaint by the above enumerated raeans 'nave not ad- <br />justed the specific complaint the commission shall cause a public <br />hearing to be held, A notice of such hearing including the parti- <br />culars of the complaint shall be sent to the respondent by registered <br />mail not less than ten days prior to the day set for hearing The <br />hearing shall be held before the commission <br />(c) The respondent shall have the right to file an answer to the <br />complaint and appear at such hearing to testify in his own behalf <br />or to be represented by counsel or otherwise and to examine and <br />cross - examine witnesses/ <br />(d) If upon all the evidence ta'-.en; the <br />vote shall determine that the respondent <br />practice set forth in the complaint; the <br />order directing the respondent to cease <br />ment practice so found to be engaged in <br />power to require proof of compliance <br />commission by a majority <br />caunitted the discriminatory <br />commission shall issue an <br />such discriminatory employ- <br />The commission shall have <br />(e) In the event the respondent refuses or fails to comply with <br />any such order issued by the commission the commission shall certify <br />the case and the entire record of its proceedings to the City Depart- <br />ment of Law which shall invo':e the aid of n appropriate court to im- <br />pose the penalties provided in Section r of this oridnance and by <br />appropriate action enforcement of the order. <br />SECTION 11. ADDITIONAL POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE COMMISSION <br />i <br />The commission is empowered: <br />(a) To act as conciliator in matters involving race color religion <br />national origin or ancestry. <br />(b) To receive and investigate complaints and to initiate its own <br />investigation of racial religious and ethnic group tensions preju- <br />dice, intolerance, bigotry and disorder and practices of discrimination <br />against any person because of race, color religion national. origin <br />or ancestry, including discrimination by any city official_ or city <br />agency against any individual corporation or assoc `_ation and to <br />develop programs and techniques designed to bring about the elimination <br />of such discrimination. <br />(c) To take the testimony of any person under oath relating to any <br />matter under investigation or in question before the commission The <br />commission after the completion of any investigation shall. ma'-e a <br />report in writing to the Mayor and the Common Council. setting forth <br />the facts found by it and its recommendations and best efforts used <br />to bring about compliance with its recommendations The commission <br />is hereby empowered to subpoena witnesses and to subpoena documents <br />writings and records pertinent to matters under investigation or in <br />question before the commission: such power of subpoena however is <br />to be exercised only upon approval of and through the department of <br />law. <br />(d) To recommend to the Mayor for appointment an executive director <br />or such personnel as it may deer necessary The expenses for the <br />carrying on of the commission s activities shall_ be paid out of the <br />funds in the city treasury, as appropriated in the budget by the Common <br />Council, <br />