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The City of South Bend and all of its contracting agencies and <br />departments shall include in all public works contracts herein- <br />after negotiated a provision obligating the public wor';�s contractor <br />not to commit any of the discriminatory practices set forth in <br />Section 5 and shall require such contractor to include a similar <br />provision in all sub- contracts. <br />This provision shall apply to all public wor'::s contracts and said <br />sub - contracts carried on by said city or on property under its <br />ownership or control. <br />SECTION 7. AUTHORIZED EXEMPTIONS <br />Exempt from the requirements of this ordinance shall be : <br />(a) Any employer of less than twelve people. Members of the <br />immediate family of an employer shall not be included in deter- <br />mining the number of employees. <br />(b) Any bona fide religious organization whose membership or <br />service is limited to persons of a single religious faith. <br />(c) Any private organization having a purely social or fraternal <br />purpose. <br />(d) Any type of employment where <br />or ancestry would be considered a <br />employment. <br />religious creed, national origin <br />essential qualification of <br />SECTION 8. HUMAN RELATIONS AND FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES COMMISSION <br />(a) There is hereby established a South Bend Human Relations and <br />Fair Employment Practices Commission which shall consist of nine <br />c <br />4 <br />members, each of whom shall be actual good -faith residents of the <br />City of South Bend and shall be persons of integrity and good <br />reputation. It shall consist of nine members who are broadly <br />U <br />representative of the religious, racial, ethnic, economic, educational, <br />v <br />and political groups in the community. Eight members shall be <br />appointed by the Mayor and one member shall be appointed by the <br />W <br />President of the Common Council within 30 days from the effective <br />J <br />date of this ordinance. <br />0 <br />4J <br />® <br />(b) Of the eight members first appointed by the Mayor, three shall <br />abe <br />appointed for one year, three for two years, and two for three <br />a4' <br />years: the first appointment by the President of the Common Council <br />`" <br />shall be for a term of t} eee years.) In the event of the death or <br />CU <br />W <br />resignation of any mem er, his successor shall be appointed to <br />serve for the unexpired period of the term for which such member <br />$4(D <br />had been appointed. Members of the commission may be removed by <br />athe <br />appointing authority. All members of the commission shall <br />$4.0 <br />serve without compensation and any five members of the commission <br />shall constitute a quorum. The commission shall elect from its <br />membership once each year a chairman, vice - chairman, and secretary. <br />The commission shalllmold one regular meeting each month and such <br />special meetings as the chairman may deen necessary. It shall to ": °e <br />the concurrence of a majority of the cot - mission to tare legal or <br />official action. <br />