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CONCRETE OR BRICK PAVEMENTS. <br />Concrete used in the replacement of concrete or brick <br />pavements not presently surfaced with an asphaltic material <br />shall consist of not less than 6 bags of air entrained Type <br />lA Portland Cement per cubic yard. Slump shall not exceed <br />three (3) inches. Coarse aggregate shall be limestone or <br />blast furnace slag.. No natural gravel aggregate will be <br />allowed. Brick pavements will be replaced with 8" of concrete <br />except in some residential streets where the city engineer may <br />require the brick to be replaced. <br />Where concrete that has an asphaltic concrete surface is <br />replaced Type I Portland Cement shall be used and the concrete <br />shall be finished flush with the surface of the existing con- <br />crete and the asphaltic surface replaced. <br />All asphaltic and oil type pavements shall be replaced <br />with a hot asphaltic concrete surface conforming to Section <br />D3, Hot asphaltic Concrete Base, Binder and Surface of the <br />latest Indiana State Highway Standard Specifications. The <br />thickness of the pavement shall be equal to that which existed <br />but not less than 3 inches. Not less than 8 inches of Coarse <br />Aggregate Class A or B, Size No. 53 Section K3 of the State <br />Highway Specifications shall be placed under any asphaltic <br />concrete patch unless a concrete base is necessary. Asphalt <br />placed over a concrete patch shall be cut back 6" around the <br />concrete patch so that the two joints are offset. <br />TEMPORARY PATCH. <br />If it is not possible, due to weather conditions, for the <br />contractor to replace the pavement within 14 days following <br />completion of the work a coarse aggregate base 8 inches thick <br />and a cold asphaltic surface shall be applied and maintained as <br />a temporary patch until permanent repairs can be made. In <br />no case shall a temporary patch be maintained more than six <br />months before permanent repairs are made. <br />SECTION 35 -27 Liability of permittee to continue for one <br />year. <br />The Board of Public Works and Safety shall through the <br />city engineer require periodic inspection of all pavement re- <br />pairs. If for any reason within a period of one year there is <br />an indication of settlement of the repaired area or deterior- <br />ation of the paving mat Vial the person taking out -the permit <br />shall be required to mage the necessary repairs as specified by <br />the city engineer. The failure of the permittee to make such <br />repairs will result in the bonding company being required to <br />make the necessary repairs. <br />SECTION 35 -28. Board of Public Works and Safety to issue <br />permits; right of Board to delegate authority to city engineer. <br />It shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works and <br />Safety, upon the filing of a petition and approved bond, to issue <br />to the petitioner a permit to make such excavation and do such <br />work, and such permit shall describe the kind and location of <br />the same; provided however, the Board of Public Works and Safety <br />