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shall also have the authority to refuse to issue a permit for an excavation <br />where the Board deems the work not to be in the beat public-interest or'the <br />contractor by past performances has indicated that he cannot perform the work <br />in accordance with the specifications. The Board of Public Works and Safety <br />may, by resolution duly passed by a majority of such Board, authorize and <br />empower the city engineer to issue any permits, all as provided for in this <br />division, and to determine the amount of the bond required. <br />SECTION 35 -29 Location of mains and pipes: supervision of work. <br />It shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works and Safety, in connection <br />with all work contemplated by this article, through its duly authorized agents, <br />to assist in determining the proper location for water, and sewer or other con- <br />nections to be made. <br />SECTION 35 -30 Generally, notice to Board of Public Works and Sa €et <br />Within 48 hours after the work requiring the excavation has been properly <br />completed, the person holding a permit under the provisions of this division <br />shall give notice to the Board of Public Works and Safety or their authorized <br />agent that the opening has been filled and the pavement replaced. <br />SECTION 35 -31 Tunnellp. <br />In all cases of excavating under street or railway tracks, tunneling may <br />be permitted if the method and operation is approved by the city engineer and <br />the street commissioner, <br />SECTION 35 -32 Barricades and danger lights. - <br />All the proper barricades and danger lights shall be,:maintained by the <br />party to whom the permit was issued under the provisions of this division until <br />the opening has been repaired. <br />SECTION 35 -33 Protection of sides of excavation. iniury to adioinin¢ <br />pavements. <br />Any person making excavations or causing the same to be made in pavements <br />or adjacent to pavement, shall so protect the sides of the excavation that the <br />adjoining soil shall not cave in. It shall be unlawful for any person to <br />excavate so as to undermine or injure any adjoining pavements. <br />SECTION III. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Common <br />Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this <br />Ordinance hereby adopted are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, <br />paragraph or section of this Ordinance hereby adopted shall be declared <br />unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by the valid judgment or decree of a <br />court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall <br />not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and <br />sections of this ordinance hereby adopted. SECTION III of Ordinance should <br />be amended to "SECTION IV". <br />SECTION IV. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and <br />after its adoption by the Common Council of the Civil City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, and its approval by the Mayor. <br />10 & tad READING /Z—/ L -/ <br />ONKITEE OF THE WHGLE /- / / -4�- �s� s -ate <br />PUKJ0 NEARING <br />td READING 5- oZ V -G S" <br />Wr APPROVED <br />RbfERREB GG <br />d-- 6 s- <br />PAUB s -a I/-G s <br />,.�, Z <br />