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shall be filed with the Board of Public Works and Safety and <br />shall be conditioned to save the city harmless from any loss, <br />cost or damage by reason of such proposed work, and that the <br />same shall be done in all respects in conformity with the <br />requirements of this Code and all other ordinances of the city <br />regulating the same; provided, that a single or continuing bond <br />may be given to embrace all work of the petitioner for a period <br />of time between the date of the execution of the same and <br />January first, which bond shall be in the penal sum of Five <br />Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). Provided further, however, that <br />any public utility operating under the jurisdiction of the <br />Public Service Commission of Indiana may give an indemnifying <br />agreement in lieu of said bond. <br />SECTION 35 -26 Restoration of surface. <br />Any person making any opening or excavation or causing the <br />same to be made in any street shall be required to replace all <br />excavated material and pavement as herein set forth in the city <br />specifications entitled, "Street Excavation Repair 1964 ", a <br />copy of which will be attached to each permit issued. This <br />specification is set forth as follows: <br />Street Excavation Repair 1964 <br />City Engineering Department <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />WHEREAS: The Board of Public Works and Safety deems it <br />necessary to establish a firm policy for the backfilling of <br />excavations and replacement of pavement disturbed as a re- <br />sult of making an opening or excavation in any street, these <br />specifications are set forth and the compliance, therewith shall <br />be a requirement of obtaining a permit for said opening or ex- <br />cavation under Chapter 35, Article II, Division 2, Excavations, <br />as set forth in the South Bend Municipal Code. It shall be the <br />obligation of any person, firm or corporation obtaining a per- <br />mit for an opening or excavation in the public right -of -way <br />to backfill the excavation and replace the pavement as set forth <br />in these specifications. <br />BACKFILL. <br />All excavations under pavement shall be backfilled with a <br />reasonably clean granular material with good compaction qual- <br />ities. The material shall be placed in layers not to exceed 6 <br />inches in depth. Each layer shall be thoroughly tamped with <br />a vibratory type mechanical tamper. Special care shall be <br />taken in filling around sewers, water pipes, gas lines, etc., <br />to keep the earth at the same height on both sides to avoid <br />shifting of the pipe line. No removed paving materials or <br />debris shall be used in backfilling the excavation. Excavations <br />not under a pavement may be backfilled with virgin material re- <br />moved from the excavation. <br />PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT. <br />All pavement shall be replaced with a type of construction <br />equal to or better than that which is removed as approved by <br />the city engineer. All cuts in concrete pavements shall be <br />first outlined with a saw cut not less than 1' ". <br />