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shall be applied exclusively to that purpose until a surplus shall be accumulated <br />in the Operation and Maintenance Account which shall be equal to the cost of <br />maintaining and operating the waterworks during the remainder of the calendar, <br />operating or fiscal year -then current and the cost of maintaining and operating <br />the waterworks during the calendar, operating or fiscal year then next ensuing. <br />Any excess over such surplus may be transferred to either the Depreciation <br />Account or the Bond and Interest Redemption Account. <br />(b) Depreciation Account Thirteen per cent (13 %) of the gross <br />revenues of said waterworks shall be set aside into the Depreciation Account <br />and shall be expended in making good depreciation in 'the waterworks, or in new <br />construction, extensions or additions to the property of the waterworks. Any <br />accumulations in said Depreciation Account not required for immediate use may <br />be invested in direct obligations of the United States Government, in the manner <br />and to the extent permitted by law, and if so invested the income from such <br />investment shall accrue to -the Depreciation Account. Said account shall not be <br />used for any purpose other than as herein provided. <br />(c) Bond and Interest Redemption Account. Twenty two per cent <br />(220%) of the gross revenues of the waterworks shall, as such revenues are received, <br />be set apart and paid into a special account to be identified as the Bond and <br />Interest Redemption Account. The funds in said account shall be used solely for <br />the purpose of paying the principal and interest of bonds which by their terms <br />are payable from the revenues of the waterworks and in the following order: <br />(1) Paying the interest on and principal of the Ulater- <br />works Revenue Bonds of 1960, issued pursuant to <br />Ordinance No. 4321 -60, as amended, in accordance <br />with the terms thereof; <br />(2) Paying the interest on and principal of 1:he bonds <br />issued pursuant to the provision of this ordinance <br />in accordance with the terms hereof, and any bonds <br />hereafter issued ranking on a parity therewith; and <br />(3) Paying the interest on and principal of any other <br />bonds payable from the revenues of the waterworks; <br />to the extent necessary for that purpose. If and when a surplus shall be created <br />in said Bond and Interest Redemption Account which shall be in excess of the <br />interest on and principal of all the bonds, plus ten per cent (10%), which are <br />payable during the remainder of the then current- calendar, operating or fiscal <br />- LE_ <br />