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year, together with the amount of interest on and principal of all -the bonds <br />which will become due and payable during the calendar, operating or fiscal year <br />then next ensuing, then any excess over such surplus may be transferred either <br />to the Operation and Maintenance Account or to the Depreciation Account- Any <br />such excess over such surplus may also be used in the purchase of outstanding <br />bonds, or redemption of any bonds redeemable prior to maturity, at a price <br />not exceeding the then applicable redemption price. No further payments need <br />be made into the Bond and Interest Redemption Account when the funds therein <br />equal or exceed the amount of the principal of all the bonds then outstanding <br />and interest thereon to the maturity dates thereof. <br />All of -the funds of said several accounts shall be deposited in lawful <br />depositories of -the City and shall be continuously held and secured or invested <br />as provided by the laws relating to 'the depositing, securing, and holding or <br />investing of public funds, including particularly Chapter 9 of the Acts of 1945, <br />as amended In no event shall any of the revenues of said waterworks be <br />transferred or used for any purpose not authorized by this ordinance so long as <br />any of the bonds issued pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance shall be <br />outstanding. <br />Section 4. For the purpose of procuring Funds with which to pay the <br />cost of construction, installation of extensions, additions and irmrovements <br />to its waterworks, the City shall issue its revenue bonds under and pursuant <br />to the provisions of this ordinance and said Act, which bonds shall be payable <br />only out of the special Bond and Interest Redemption Account herein provided <br />for, subject to the prior servicing of the outstanding "h?aterworks Revenue Bonds <br />of 1960" hereinbefore referred to, in accordance with the terms thereof. The <br />bonds authorized by this ordinance shall be designated as "Waterworks Revenue <br />Bonds of 1966 ". Said bonds shall be in a principal amount not exceeding One <br />Million Eight Hundred FlineLy -five Thousand Dollars ($1,395,000 00), in the <br />denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each, or Five Thousand Dollars <br />($5,000.00) each, the denomination to be at the option of the purchaser, numbered <br />consecutively from 1 up, dated as of the first day of the month in which said <br />bonds are sold, and shall bear interest at a rate or rates not exceeding five per <br />-5 -- <br />