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including miscellaneous equipment and appurtenances, shall. be constructed in <br />accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by Clyde E. Williams & <br />Associates, Inc., Professional Engineers, of South Bend, Indiana, which plans <br />and specifications are made a part hereof by reference and are hereby approved. <br />The Board of Public Worhs and Safety is hereby authorized to proceed with the <br />construction, installations, extensions, additions and improvements and to <br />enter into all contracts necessary for such purposes in conformity with the <br />provisions of this ordinance and of said Act-, subject, however, -to the approval <br />of the Public Service Commission of Indiana for Lhe making of the same and the <br />issuance of the required a„iount of revenue bonds; also, that the principal and <br />interest of the bonds issued on account of the same shall be paid solely and <br />exclusively from the revenues of said waterworks system and shall not constitute <br />a general obligation of the City. The Board of Public Works and Safety is hereby <br />authorized to file or cause to be filed a groper petition with the Public Service <br />Commission of Indiana for the purpose of securing the required approval of said <br />Commission. <br />Section 3. Beginning as of the date of issuance of the bonds herein <br />authorized, the income and revenues of the existing waterworks, together with <br />the income of all construction, installations, extensions, additions and improve - <br />menus made pursuant to this ordinance., or subsequently, shall be set aside into <br />a separate and special fund to be used and applied in the maintenance and <br />operation thereof, in establishing a depreciation account, and payment of the <br />principal of and interest on all bonds which by their terms are payable from the <br />revenues of the waterworks. The proportion of the gross revenues of said water- <br />works that shall be paid into the several accounts of said special fund, hereto- <br />fore established by Ordinance No. 432L -60 adopted on May 23, 1960, as amended, <br />as provided by said Act, is hereby fixed and determined as follows: <br />(a) Operation and Maintenance Account. Sixty -five per cent (65 %) <br />of the gross revenues of said waterworks shall be set aside into the Operation <br />and Maintenance Account and shall be used to pay the necessary cost of the <br />reasonable and proper operation and maintenance of the waterworks, including <br />any taxes required to be paid. The sum so set aside for operation and maintenance <br />-3- <br />