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proportion of the gross revenues of the waterworks, issued under date of <br />December 1, 1960, bearing interest at the rate of three per cent (3%) and <br />two and three - fourths per cent (2 3 1LE %) per annum, and maturing annually on <br />September 1 over a period ending on September 1, 1972; that under 'the terms <br />and conditions of said bonds the City has -the right 'to issue additional water- <br />works revenue bonds either ranking on a parity with said bonds or junior and <br />subordinate thereto without adversely affecting 'the rights of the holders of <br />the outstanding waterworks revenue bonds, that it is not deemed feasible to <br />undertake to comply with the financial conditions necessary to enable the <br />issuance of additional parity bonds and, accordingly, such additional bonds <br />should be made junior and subordinate -to said waterworks revenue bonds heretofore <br />issued and now outstanding; now therefore, <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA: <br />Section 1. That the City of South Bend (hereinafter sometimes referred <br />-to as the "City ") , being the owner of and engaged in operating an unencumbered <br />waterworks system supplying the City and its inhabitants with water for public <br />and domestic use, now provides for certain needed construction and installation <br />of extensions, additions and improvements to such waterworks and the payment <br />for the same from the revenues and receipts of said waterworks pursuant -to and <br />in the manner prescribed in Chanter 155 of the Acts of 1929 and the acts amenda- <br />Cory thereof and supplemental thereto (sometimes hereinafter referred to as the <br />"Ac't- "); provided, however, that the additional revenue bonds authorized by this <br />ordinance shall be junior and subordinate in all -respects -to the bonds designated <br />as "Uaterworks Revenue Bonds of 1960" outstanding in the amount of One Million <br />Two Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars ($1,270,000.00) and none of the provisions <br />of this ordinance shall. be so construed as 'to affect the rights of -the holders <br />of said outstanding revenue bonds. The terms "waterwworks ", "water system ", and <br />"systera" wherever used in this ordinance shall be construed to mean and to include <br />the existing waterworks owned by the City and all extensions, additions and <br />improvements thereto and replacements thereof now or subsequently constructed <br />or acquired. <br />Section 2. Said construction, consisting of the construction of -two <br />water filtration plants, additional wells and additional transmission mains, <br />- -2- <br />