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to attempt an adjustment by education, conciliation and conference. No <br />more than ninety (90) days shall be allowed for this purpose. <br />D. If in the opinion of a majority of the Commission the <br />efforts to settle any complaint by the above enumerated means have not <br />adjusted the specific complaint, the Commission shall cause a public <br />hearing to be held. A notice of such hearing, including the particulars <br />of the complaint, shall be sent to the respondent by registered mail not <br />less than ten (10) days prior to the day set for hearing. The hearing <br />may be conducted before the Commission at a duly held meeting of not <br />less than a quorum of such Commissioners, or such hearing may be con- <br />ducted before a hearing officer appointed by the Commission, which hearing <br />officer shall be a member of the Commission. Hearings conducted before <br />the Commission, or a hearing officer, shall be conducted in an informal <br />manner and without recourse to the technical common -law rules of <br />evidence required in proceedings in judicial courts, and such manner of <br />proof and introduction of evidence shall be deemed sufficient and shall <br />govern the proof and decision of all questions of fact, if substantial, <br />reliable and probative evidence supports such Commission's determination. <br />The Commission shall, as a matter of policy, provide for the exclusion <br />of irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious evidence. Every person <br />who is a party to such proceedings shall have the right to appear in person <br />or by counsel, to submit evidence in open hearing and shall have the right <br />of cross - examination. Such hearings shall be held in the City Hall of the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />E. I.n the event of such hearing before a hearing officer, <br />as herein set forth, the recommendation of such hearing officer, to- <br />gether with the complete file, shall be submitted to and filed with the <br />7 <br />