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Commission. The Commission may hear additional evidence or refer it back <br />to the hearing officer to hear such additional evidence. The Commission may <br />adopt the recommendation of the hearing officer, amend or modify the same, <br />or may make such order or determination as is proper on the record. <br />F. The respondent shall have the right to file an answer <br />to the complaint and appear at such hearing to testify in his own behalf, <br />or to be represented by counsel or otherwise, and to examine and cross- <br />examine witnesses. <br />G. If upon all the evidence taken, no unlawful practice is <br />found to have been committed, the case shall be dismissed and the parties <br />involved so notified. <br />H. If upon all the evidence taken, the Commission by a <br />majority vote shall determine that the respondent committed the dis- <br />criminatory practice set forth in the complaint, the Commission may issue <br />an order directing the respondent to cease and desist such discriminatory <br />practice so found to be engaged in. <br />I. The Commission may certify the case and the entire <br />records of its proceedings to the City Department of Law, which shall in- <br />voke the aid of an appropriate court to impose the penalties provided. <br />SECTION VIII. PENALTY: <br />Any owner and /or agent for owner, or any other person who <br />shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine <br />not less than One Hundred Dollars or not more than Three Hundred Dollars. <br />SECTION IX. SEVERABILITY: <br />If any section, subdivision, paragraph, sentence or clause of this <br />Ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such <br />decision shall not affect any remaining portion, section or part thereof. <br />P <br />