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empowered to carry out the functions and duties so designated under the <br />provisions of this ordinance and it shall be the duty of the Commission <br />to: <br />A. Receive, record and investigate complaints charging <br />any unlawful housing practice. <br />B. Seek conciliation of parties involved in such complaints <br />by conciliation, conferences, holding hearing where necessary, make <br />findings of fact, issue recommendations and orders, including orders <br />rejecting any claims that may be, in the opinion of the Commission, <br />without merit, and publish its findings in accordance with the provisions <br />of this Ordinance. <br />SECTION VII, ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURE: <br />A. The South Bend Human Relations and Fair Employment <br />Practices Commission shall adopt such rules and regulations as may be <br />necessary to carry out the purpose and provisions of this Ordinance. <br />B. Any person aggrieved by any violation of any pro- <br />vision of the above Ordinance may file a written complaint under oath, <br />setting forth his grievance with the South Bend Human Relations and Fair <br />Employment Practices Commission. Said complaint shall state the name <br />and address of the complainant and of the person against whom the com- <br />plaint is brought and shall also state the alleged facts surrounding the <br />alleged violation of this Ordinance. Complaints must be filed alleging <br />violations of this Ordinance to the Commission within thirty (30) days <br />after the date of the alleged violation. <br />C. On receipt of any complaint involving a discriminatory <br />practice, the Commission shall determine the facts, and if there appears <br />to be probable cause for complaint the Commission shall use its office <br />N <br />