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exchange, or rental of the real property of anotb= r, or holds his or herself <br />out as engaged in business of selling, purchasing, exchanging or renting <br />the real property of another, or collects rental for the use of the real <br />property of another. <br />E. OWNER, An 'Owner" means the person holding <br />legal or equitable title to property, or his or her legal representative. <br />F. UNLAWFUL HOUSING PRACTICE, The term <br />"unlawful housing practice" is the commission of any act prohibited by <br />Section III hereafter. <br />G. PERSONS. The term "person" or "persons" includes <br />one or more individuals, partnerships, associations, organizations, <br />corporations, cooperatives, legal representatives, trustees, trustees <br />in bankruptcy, receivers, lending institutions, and other organized <br />groups or persons. <br />H. COMPLAINANT. The term "complainant" means any <br />individual charging on his own behalf to have been personally aggrieved <br />by a discriminatory practice in connection with a housing accommodation. <br />SECTION III. UNLAWFUL ACTS: <br />A. It shall be unlawful for any owner and /or agent for <br />owner, or any other person or persons: <br />1. To publish or circulate, or cause to be published or <br />circulated, any notice, statement or advertisement, or to adopt a policy <br />or to use any form of application for the purchase, lease, rental or <br />financing of a housing accommodation with expresses directly or in- <br />directly any limitation or discrimination as to race, color, religion, <br />or national origin or ancestry. <br />2. To discriminate in the sales price or rent of any housing <br />accommodation. <br />3 <br />