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3. To discriminate or participate in discrimination in connection <br />with the lending, guaranteeing of loans, or the making available of funds <br />for the purchase, acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, or improve- <br />ment of any housing accommodation. <br />4. To solicit for sale, or lease any housing accommodation, or <br />distribute, or cause to be distributed, written representations with the <br />specific intent of inducing any owner of any housing accommodation to <br />sell or lease his or her property becaus e of the alleged loss of value of <br />property because of the anticipated presence of persons of any particular <br />race, color, religion or .national origin or ancestry in any neighborhood. <br />5. To refuse to sell or rent, or to refuse in the showing or <br />making available for inspection, any housing accommodations to a <br />prospective buyer or renter because of race, color, religion, national <br />origin or ancestry. <br />6. To assist or to participate with a person who is not a bona <br />fide prospective buyer or renter in a transaction for the acquisition or <br />financing of a housing accommodation where the purpose of such is to <br />obtain information upon which a complaint could be filed before the <br />Commission, or to seek a housing accommodation for one who is <br />physically able to represent himself and a complaint is thereafter filed. <br />B. It shall be unlawful for any person who is not a bona <br />fide prospective buyer or renter or his agent, to offer to purchase or <br />lease, or to participate in the purchase or leasing of any housing accom- <br />modation because of race, color, religion or national origin or <br />ancestry for purpose of inducing or provoking an owner or his agent to <br />commit any of the other unlawful acts contained in this section. <br />SECTION IV, EXCEPTIONS: <br />The provisions of this Ordinance as outlined in Section III, 5. , <br />