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floors, and other physical facilities for the estab- <br />lishment must be in good repair and maintained in a <br />clean and sanitary condition. <br />(f) Instruments utilized in performing massage shall not <br />be used on more than one (1) patron unless they have <br />first been sterilized using approved sterilizing equip- <br />ment. Massage table pads and reusable table coverings <br />shall be disinfected between each massage with approved <br />chemicals. Chemicals used during massage shall be stored <br />separately in containers clearly labeled as to contents. <br />All chemical containers shall be stored in cabinets re- <br />served solely for such purpose. <br />(g) Massages shall not be given unless patrons are wearing <br />clothing fully covering their genitals and female patrons <br />are in addition wearing clothing fully covering their <br />breasts. Where such clothing is furnished patrons by the <br />massage establishment, it shall not be used by more than <br />one (1) patron unless it has first been laundered and <br />disinfected. Massage technicians shall be fully clothed <br />from the knee to the neck in clean light colored clothing. <br />(h) No persons shall enter, be or remain, in any part of a <br />massage establishment while in the possession of, consuming, <br />or using any alcoholic beverage or drugs except pursuant <br />to a prescription for such drugs. The owner, operator, <br />responsible managing employee, or manager shall not <br />permit any such person to enter or remain upon such premises. <br />(i) Massages shall not be given to patrons who have open <br />sores or other visual signs of contagion or communicable <br />disease. <br />Sec. 7 -116. Inspections. <br />Building inspectors, firemen, and health officers shall at <br />least twice each year make an inspection of each massage <br />establishment in the City for the purpose of determining <br />that the provisions of this Code are met. Such inspections <br />shall be conducted after reasonable notice is given to the <br />owner or operator of a massage establishment; they shall <br />take place during the hours such establishment is open for <br />business; and only upon the showing of proper credentials of <br />such persons, All other investigatory power such officers <br />may have from state laws shall be incorporated herein. <br />Sec. 7 -117. Sale or Transfer. <br />Upon the sale or transfer of any interest in a massage estab- <br />lishment, the license shall be null and void. Any person <br />desiring to continue to operate such massage establishment <br />following sale or transfer shall file an application with the <br />Board of Public Works in accordance with this ordinance. <br />Sec. 7 -118. Grounds for Revocation or Suspension of License or <br />Permit. <br />(a) Massage establishments and massage technicians shall <br />be subject to all pertinent City and County ordinances <br />and the State of Indiana Statutes and violation of any <br />such laws shall be grounds for the suspension or revocation <br />of licenses or permits. <br />(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a <br />massage establishment without having a license therefor <br />as required by this Article. <br />(c) It shall be unlawful for any person to act as a massage <br />m <br />