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basin shall provide soap or detergent and hot and cold <br />running water at all times and shall be located within <br />or close as practical to the area devoted to the per- <br />forming of massage services.. In addition, there shall <br />be provided sanitary towels in permanently installed <br />dispensers at each washbasin. <br />(f) Size and Lighting: Minimum lighting shall be provided <br />in accordance with the Municipal Building code, and in <br />addition, at least one artificial light of not less <br />than forty (40) watts shall be provided in each room <br />or enclosure where massage services are performed on <br />patrons. Such rooms shall have at least fifty (50) <br />square feet of clear floor area. <br />(g) Ventilation: Minimum ventilation shall be provided in <br />accordance with the Municipal Building Code. <br />(h) Equipment: All equipment necessary to properly furnish <br />and maintain a massage establishment pursuant to the <br />standards set forth by the American Massage and Therapy <br />Association shall be incorporated herein. <br />(i) Health Code: All Health Code provisions regulating <br />business establishments shall be incorporated herein. <br />Sec. 7 -115. Massage Establishment Operation. <br />Every massage establishment and every massage technician <br />shall comply with the following operating requirements. These <br />requirements shall be prominently and publicly displayed in a <br />conspicuous place upon every premise licensed under the <br />provisions of this ordinance. <br />(a) Massage establishments shall commence operations no <br />earlier than 7:00 A.M. and the hours of operation <br />shall extend no later than 12:00 Midnight. <br />(b) Massage establishments and massage technicians therein <br />shall prominently and publicly display on the premises <br />their respective licenses and permits during all <br />hours of operation. <br />(c) A list of services available and the cost of such services <br />shall be posted in an open, public place on the premises, <br />and shall be described in readily understandable language. <br />No owner, operator, responsible managing employee or <br />manager shall permit and no massage technician shall <br />offer to perform any services other than those posted. <br />(d) Massage establishments shall at all times be equipped <br />with an adequate supply of clean sanitary towels, coverings <br />and linens. Clean towels, coverings and linens shall <br />be stored in cabinets. Towels and linens shall not be <br />used on more than one (1) patron unless they have first <br />been laundered and disinfected. Disposable coverings <br />and towels shall not be used on more than one (1) patron. <br />Soiled linens and paper towels shall be deposited in <br />approved receptacles. <br />(e) Wet and dry heat rooms, steam or vapor rooms or cabinets, <br />shower rooms and compartments, restrooms and pools shall <br />be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected as needed, and at <br />least once each day the premises are open, with a disin- <br />fectant approved by the Health Department. Bathtubs shall <br />be thoroughly cleaned with a disinfectant approved by <br />the Health Department after each use. All walls, ceilings, <br />-7- <br />