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technician without having a permit therefor as required <br />by this Article. <br />(d) It shall be unalwful for any person who operates a <br />massage establishment to allow or permit persons to <br />act therein as massage technicians without first having <br />a permit therefor as required by this Article. <br />(e) It shall be unlawful for any person to act as a <br />massage technician within a massage establishment which <br />does not have a license therefor as required by this <br />Article. <br />(f) It shall be unlawful for any massage technician to <br />massage or offer to massage the genital area of any <br />patron or the breasts of any female patron or for any <br />operator of a massage establishment to allow or permit <br />such massage or offer to massage in such massage estab- <br />lishment, or for any patron to permit such massage upon <br />his body. <br />Sec. 7 -119. License or Permit Suspension or Revocation. <br />(a) No license or permit may be suspended or revoked until <br />after due notice and hearing before the Board of Public <br />Works. to determine if grounds for such exist. Notice <br />of such hearing shall be in writing and served at least <br />ten (10) days prior to the date of hearing by personally <br />serving the person in charge of the massage establishment <br />and by personally serving the massage technician in the <br />instance of a permit suspension or revocation. The <br />notice shall state the grounds of the complaint against <br />the licensee and shall designate the time and place where <br />the hearing will be held. Suspension or revocation hearings <br />shall - p <br />ig gvgne by the s aaAdards set forth in Secs. 1 -18 <br />(b) tiny massage eNa s min ghse or massage technician <br />permit may be suspended for no more than ninety (90) <br />days or revoked by the Board of Public Works for any <br />violation of this Article or for any grounds that would <br />warrant the denial of issuance of such license or permit <br />in the first place. <br />(c) Written notice of such revocation or suspension, <br />together with the ieasons therefor shall be given by <br />the City Controller to license holder or permit holder <br />at his last known business address. <br />Sec. 7 -120. Conducting as a Nuisance. <br />Any massage establishment operated, conducted, or maintained <br />contrary to the provisions of this Article shall be unlawful and <br />declared a public nuisance. The City Attorney may, in addition <br />to or in lieu of prosecuting a criminal action hereunder, <br />commence an action for the abatement, removal or enjoinment <br />therefore, in the manner provided by law; and shall take such <br />other steps and shall apply to such court or courts as may have <br />jurisdiction to grant such relief as will abate or remove <br />such massage establishment and restrain and enjoin any <br />person from operating, conducting or maintaining a massage <br />establishment contrary to the provisions of this Article. <br />Sec. 7 -121. Penalty. <br />Any person who violates any provision of this Article shall be <br />subject, upon conviction, to a fine of not less than fifty <br />dollars ($50) nor more than three hundred dollars ($300) or <br />by imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months or both. The <br />violation of any provision of this Article shall constitute <br />d� <br />