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E. <br />F. <br />G. <br />Sec <br />6. The applicant has not had a massage establishment license <br />or a massage technician permit or other similar license or <br />permit denied or revoked for cause by this City or any other <br />City located in or out of this State within the three (3) <br />years prior to the date of application. <br />7. The applicant, if an individual, or any of the officers <br />and directors, if the applicant is a corporation, or any of <br />the partners, including limited partners, if the applicant <br />is a partnership is eighteen (18) years of age. <br />8. The applicant, if a corporation, is licensed to do business <br />and in good standing in the State of Indiana. <br />9. The massage establishment as proposed by the applicant <br />would comply with the requirements of this ordinance. <br />License Fee <br />1. The fee for an annual license to operate a massage estab- <br />lishment shall be fifty dollars (50.00) payable <br />to the City Controller at the time of the issuance of <br />said license. <br />2. The annual license shall be effective from January 1st <br />to December 31st of the year for which the license is <br />issued. <br />3. The license to, operate a massage establishment shall in- <br />clude the following: <br />(a) the name and address <br />(b) the name and address <br />(c) the date of issuance <br />Denial <br />of the applicant <br />of the massage establishment <br />1. If a license to operate a massage establishment is not <br />issued, the application shall be denied. <br />2. The unsuccessful applicant may appeal to the Mayor for <br />a hearing pursuant to Section 1 -18 of the Municipal Code. <br />Hearing and Procedure on Appeal <br />1. After proper notice, the applicant for a license to operate <br />a massage establishment may be present and may be accompanied <br />by an attorney or any other represenative. The Mayor shall <br />conduct a full hearing and determine whether or not such <br />license shall be granted. <br />2. In conducting the hearing, the applicant may adduce such <br />evidence before the Mayor as may be applicable in the case. <br />In reaching his decision, the Mayor shall give due considera- <br />tion to any such facts to determine the qualifications of <br />the applicant to meet the requirements set out in Sec. 7 -112. <br />3. In conducting such hearings, the Mayor shall not be bound <br />by the judicial rules of evidence, but may admit such <br />evidence which in his discretion he feels will aid him in <br />reaching his decision. <br />7 -113. Massage Technician Permit Required. <br />It shall be unlawful for any person to act as a massage tech- <br />nician unless he has a valid permit issued pursuant to the <br />provisions of this ordinance. <br />�C <br />