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address of each of the partners, including limited <br />partners, and the application shall be verified by <br />each partner. If one or more of the partners is a <br />corporation, the provisions of this section pertain- <br />ing to a corporate applicant shall apply to the <br />corporate partner. If the applicant is neither a <br />corporation nor a partnership, the application shall <br />set forth the full name and address of the applicant <br />and be verified by the applicant. The application <br />for massage establishment license shall set forth <br />the proposed place of business and the facilities <br />therefor, together with a detailed description of <br />the nature and scope of the proposed business <br />operation. <br />B. Review and Recommendations <br />Application for licenses under this ordinance shall be re- <br />ferred to the proper offices for formal review and recommen- <br />dation and each shall report their findings to the Board of <br />Public Works. Applicants shall cooperate with any review con- <br />ducted pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance and shall <br />permit access to the proposed place of business and facilities <br />in conjunction with any such review. <br />C. Public Hearing and Notice <br />Upon the filing of an application, the Board of Works shall <br />fix a time and place for a public hearing thereon. Written <br />notice of hearing shall be given to the applicant. Due notice <br />shall also be given to the general public by publication of <br />such notice one (1) time in a local newspaper of general cir- <br />culation. Any interested person may file with the Board of <br />Public Works a memorandum in support of or in opposition to <br />the issuance of a license. <br />D. Granting of License <br />Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of an application and <br />after proper publication and receipt of the aforesaid recommen- <br />dations,the Board of Public Works shall conduct a public hear- <br />ing and shall instruct the City Controller to issue a license <br />to operate a massage establishment if it is found that: <br />1. The application reasonably conforms to the provisions <br />of this ordinance. <br />2. The applicant has not knowingly made a material misrepre- <br />sentation in the application for a license. <br />3. The applicant has reasonably cooperated in the review of <br />his application. <br />4. The massage establishment as proposed by the applicant <br />would comply with all applicable laws, including but not limited <br />to the City's building, zoning, health, fire and safety re- <br />gulations. <br />5. The applicant if an individual, or any of the stockholders <br />of the corporation, any officers or directors, if the applicant <br />is a corporation, or any of the partners, including limited <br />partners, if the applicant is a partnership have not been <br />convicted of any crime involving unlawful deviate conduct,.deviate <br />sexual conduct, or unlawful sexual conduct as defined in Title <br />35 of the Indiana Code, within three years (3) prior to the date <br />of application. <br />-3- <br />4 <br />