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A. Application <br />1, Contents <br />An application for a permit to act as a massage technician <br />shall be filed with the City Controller upon forms pro- <br />vided by the City Controller's Office and such application <br />shall be verified under oath. <br />2. The filing of an application for a permit does not <br />authorize acting as a massage technician until such permit <br />has been granted. <br />3. Any applicant for a massage technician permit shall <br />furnish all the information required by Article 9, Sec.7" <br />112 A3 through(h)of the South Bend Municipal Code. In <br />addition, the applicant shall furnish proof of the following: <br />a. Certificate from a medical doctor, licensed to <br />practice in the State of Indiana, stating that <br />the applicant has within thirty (30) days immediately <br />preceding the date of application been examined and <br />found to be free of any contagious or communicable <br />diseases. <br />b. A diploma or certificate of graduation from a <br />"recognized school" if any. <br />C. The massage establishment, if any, at which the <br />applicant expects to be employed. <br />B. Review and Recommendations <br />Applications for permits under this ordinance shall be re- <br />ferred to the proper offices for formal review and re- <br />commendations and each shall report their .findings to the <br />City Controller's Office. <br />C. Granting of Permit <br />Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the application and <br />aforesaid recommendations the City Controller shall issue a <br />massage permit if it is found that: <br />1. The application reasonably conforms to the provisions <br />of the ordinance. <br />2. The applicant has not knowingly made a material misre- <br />presentation in the application for a permit. <br />3. The applicant has reasonably cooperated in the investiga- <br />tion of his application. <br />4. The applicant has not withinthree (3) years immediately <br />preceding the date of application been convicted of the crimes <br />of unlawful deviate conduct, deviate sexual conduct or un- <br />lawful sexual conduct as defined in Title 35 of the Indiana Code. <br />5. The applicant has furnished an acceptable diploma or cer- <br />tificate of graduation from a "recognized school" or in lieu <br />thereof has demonstrated competence and proficiency to the <br />satisfaction of the City Controller through continuous ex- <br />perience as a massage technician for a three (3) year period <br />prior to the date of application. <br />6. The applicant has not previously had a massage technician <br />permit or similar permit or license denied or revoked for <br />cause by this city or by any other city in this or any other <br />-5- <br />