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Oil under this line item is used to supplement the use of digester gas in <br />the sludge heat exchange. It is also used in two of the new buildings, <br />that resulted from the Plant Expansion - namely the Chemical Control <br />Building and the Degritting Building - both of these are rather good sized <br />buildings. <br />We have made no provisions for price increases. <br />324 Other Garage & Motor (O. S. H. A.) <br />As has been stated in prior years "this is actually our account for O, S. H. A. <br />supplies" <br />The 1976 budget figure was $4500. We are requesting $3500 for 1977. In <br />addition to a number of safety hazards that are historically hazards in <br />Wastewater Treatment Plants, we have, with the Plant expansion, added a number <br />of new and different hazards among which are chlorine gas, handling large <br />quantities of lime, a 6, 000 gallon concentrated sulfuric acid storage tank, <br />and handling large quantities of corrosive ferric chloride. The South Bend <br />Wastewater Treatment Plant is probably the largest chemical industry in <br />South Bend. <br />331 Household, Laundry & Cleaning <br />The 1976 budget figure is $4500. We are asking for $3000 for 1977. We will <br />make a strong effort to reduce our expenditures in this line item. However, <br />the items which make up this line item are janitor supplies and items <br />necessary for personal hygiene. We do try to have the place looking clean <br />and personal hygiene is of special importance in our situation. <br />363 Office Supplies <br />The 1976 budget amount was $3,300. We are asking for $3,000 for 1977. <br />Although the Bureau of Water acts as our billing agent, there are other <br />regular office supplies. Operational reports, accounting records, payroll <br />supplies, personnel records. The State Board of Health requires extensive <br />operational and technical records. <br />