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10-10-38 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
10-10-38 Council Meeting Minutes
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City Council - City Clerk
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Council Mtg Minutes
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Councilmen Kerner moved thpt said be placed on file. Councilman Chambers seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried. <br />PETITIONS: <br />PETITION FOR ACQUISITION <br />OF <br />ELECTRIC LOCAL PUBLIC UTILITY <br />TO THE COMMON CO?TNC�IL OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BE STD INDIANA <br />We, the undersigned residents and voters <br />(constituting more then five per cent of <br />for all candidates for City Clerk at the <br />HEREBY PETITION THE COMMON COUNCIL of sn <br />condemnation proceedure, and operate: <br />of the City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indian. -, <br />the voters of said city as shown by the total votes ca <br />last precee& -g city election held in November 1934) <br />id City to acquire by purchase negotiation or by legal <br />The public utility electric local property owned. and operated by end Michigan Electric <br />Company loceted in the City of South Bend and in the rural territory within six miles of the <br />corporate limits of South Bend, provided that the electric utility property to be so acquired b <br />used and useful in serving said city end the public rithin ssid city and adjacent rural territo <br />This petition is circulated and filed under the provisions of Chapter 76 of the Acts of the <br />Indiana Generpl Assembly for the year 1913, end all laws emendetory thereof and supplemental <br />thereto, pnrticulPrly Chapter 190 of the Acts of 1933, Chapter 293 of the Acts of 1935, and <br />Chapter 113 of the acts of 1937• <br />We further petition the Common_ Council to order P smcinl election on the aBove proposition.G,t <br />the ePrliest possible dote as stipulated in Section 1. of Chapter 190 of Indiana Acts of 1933: <br />and elso when Pnd if the above electric utility property is acquired by the city we request thnt <br />the mPnng_ement Pnd operation thereof be placed under Pn independent Utility Service Board with <br />Board of Trustees as set forth in Section 19 Chapter 190 of Indiana ;acts of 1933- <br />( 383 signers) <br />Councilman Chambers moved saaid petitions be accepted Pnd placed on file. Councilman Rasmussen <br />seconded the motion. <br />Councilmen Goetz moved to amend Councilmen Chambers' motion, th*t said petitions be referred <br />to the Weys & `Weans Committee. Councilmen Bierwagen seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />Counci.lmt n Chambers moved Ordin.e:nce No. 3261 have its third reeding. No. second. <br />Councilman Goet moved that the City Attorney be instructed to file pleadings and have herring <br />as !soon as possible. Councilman Fish seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />TO THE COMP.F.ON COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />The undersigned.,would respectfully show to your honornble body: <br />'l - That the undersigned end each of them are taxpayers end owners of lots iri Sunnymede., <br />an Addition to the City of South Bend,, fronting on East Wayne Street, in said City, <br />between Greenlawn Avenue Pnd Eddy Street; <br />.r <br />2 - That Wayne Street, PfcresPid, passes through P residential district .in said City, end <br />that said district is highly restricted for the purpose of establishing a, preferred residential <br />area in said City; <br />3 - That since 'the platting of said addition in 1926, the high restrictions have been fully <br />complied with, end vest sums of money expended in buildings and improvements in said Addition <br />with the result that sxid Wayne Street between said Greenlawn Avenue end said Eddy Street hps <br />been developed into one of the most desirable residenti,nl districts In Bouth Bend. . . . . <br />4 - That in spite of the cherPoter of sPid. residential district, numerous freight operators <br />Pre now, and hPve for some time past, been using said portion of Wayne Street as P. freight truck <br />route; that said trucks are operated throughout the dAy 2nd night and constitute a- nuisance <br />in said neighborhood; that, said trucks emit foul ?nd malodorous gasses, are extremely noisy <br />in operation., and constitute 2 hPzard to other motor vehicles operating upon said street/ <br />. 5 - That the use of said WPyne Street in said City as a. truck route, if permitted to continue <br />will cause sPid district to delareciate substnntiall.y in value with loss to the owners and ta,x- <br />ppyer s of sn id area. <br />6 - Thnt said Wayne Street is not P through street in the City of South Bend, but is a. dead- <br />end street nt Greenlewn Avenue and at Howard Dark; that said street, between said Greenlawn <br />Avenue and said Eddy Street is a winding street and is compnra.tively nawTow; the:t there is a. <br />parkway, in the center of said 'Mayne Street and that around said parkway said street is extremely <br />narrow: that said street throughout said distance is not sufficiently wide to permit both freig4i <br />trucks and automobiles to pass without danger to said automobiles and the occupants thereof; <br />that due to the e,rea within which said freight trucks are able to turn, great danger :.rises of <br />collision and resultant property demage �.nd personal injuries at the point where said freight <br />trucks enter upon said Wayne Street at Greenlawn Avenue. <br />7 - That the pavement on seid Wayne Street was constructed and designed for pleasure vehicles <br />end wa.s not constructed end designed for heavy traffic such as freight trucks; the.t if use for <br />freight trucks is permitted to continue, said street will deteriorate in less thn.n its expented <br />life, and cause additional and unnecessary expense to the taxpayers of the ecrnmunityl <br />9 - Thnt since sPid street is not a highway pPssing through the City for any considerable <br />distance, but has dead. ends within a comparatively short distance, no reason exists for its use <br />as a freight truck ht- hway. <br />9 - Th?t ssid Street is not e through street Pnd Putomoblles approFchinp° said street at its <br />vnriou.s intersections are not required to stop before entering upon szid Wayne Street; that by <br />
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