<br />Be it remembered that the Common Council met in the Regular Session in the Council Chambers
<br />in the City Hall, Monday evening, October 10th, at the hour of 7 :40 P. M. All members were
<br />jDresert except Councilmen Palicki. President Hull presided. The reading of the minutes were
<br />dispensed with on the motion of Councilman Hull, seconded ay Councilman Fish. Motion carried.
<br />0015,1UNI CAT IONS:
<br />A letter from the State Board of Tex Commissioners was read.
<br />Councilman Chambers moved that said letter be placed on file. Councilmen Rasmussen seconded
<br />the motion. Motion carried.
<br />919 S. Michigan Street
<br />South Bend, Indiana
<br />September 269 193
<br />South Bend..City Council
<br />City Hell
<br />South Bend, Indiana
<br />Den r Sirs:
<br />The following resolution wns unanimously endorsed by the South Bend Industrial Union. Council,
<br />representing 35,000 members of orgpnized labor, tit their regular meeting on lgednesda.y, September
<br />21st. We urge t'z -,t. immediate Potion be taken in reference to this.
<br />w.
<br />"E 6-1.tt Resolved, that the School City of South Bend or the Civil. City of
<br />South Bend be instructed to furnish transportation for the children of
<br />the old Pulaski School, to the school that they must now attend since the
<br />discontinuation of the Puleski School. In cases it means eighteen to twenty —
<br />one blocks for first grade pupils to walk, which is unhealthy and unsafe for
<br />children from the ages df six to twelve. This affects 216 pupils in
<br />Most of these children belong to families of small means, who do not have cars, and cannot afford
<br />to furnish other transportation for their children. ire, therefore, demand that transportation
<br />be furnished these children immediately.
<br />Respectfully yours,
<br />Bess Meblin, Executive Secretary
<br />Councilmen Fish :roved that said ©ommunicPtion be referred to the Board of Public Works.
<br />Councilman Goetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />919 S. Michigan St. South Bend, Indiana.
<br />Member of City Council
<br />October 8, 1939
<br />South. Bend, Ind.
<br />George
<br />W. Freyermuth
<br />'George
<br />F.
<br />Hull
<br />William Bie rwegon
<br />William
<br />S.
<br />James
<br />Howerd
<br />L. Chnmb"
<br />Fred A.
<br />Kerner
<br />Guy A.
<br />Fish
<br />Dr. lVia.x
<br />J.
<br />Palicki
<br />George
<br />W. Goetz
<br />William
<br />E.
<br />Rasmussen
<br />Dear Sirs:
<br />The enclosed Resolution was unamir_ously gdopted at a regular meeting of Bendix Local Union No.Q
<br />U.-A.W.A. on Oct. 6, 1935.
<br />To the City Council
<br />Kyle C. Gleeson
<br />Rec & Coresp Spc'y.
<br />Whereas, Labors Civic Committee he.s presented to the C1 - ty Council a. petition requesting th ^t
<br />R
<br />they cquire the Electric Utility in the City, end
<br />Whereas, The City Council's action in regard to this petition was not very favorable as a whole
<br />end
<br />Whereas, All evidence presented to the City Council indicated tht;t this endeavor was good and
<br />to the intrest of the Community as a whole, and
<br />Whereas. The acquiring of this utility would mean a big saving to the tax payers and consumers
<br />of. electricity, and
<br />Whereas, The money needed to buy this utility- could be raised by floating bonds which would
<br />be bought with the inderstandi.ng that they would wait for repayment from profits from
<br />the utility with about 3% interest, and
<br />Whereas, This would mean no immediate expense to the tax pryer, end.
<br />Whereas, By law the petition makes it mandatory for the council to submit this question to
<br />the voters of this City Ps soon as popsible, and
<br />Whereas, If this question were submitted to the voters, for their decision, in the November
<br />election it would me €n a saving of about $7000.00 which it would cost for a special
<br />election, Therefore be it
<br />Resolved, That We, Bendix Local Union No. 9, UAW &, do hereby go on record urking the immediate
<br />adoption of the petition in order that the election necessary for the acau.irin- of
<br />this utility mpy take glace along with the November, 1938 election, And be it further
<br />Resolved, That immediate action is taken.
<br />