reason of such cross - traffic, danger through the operation of freight trucks results to both
<br />property and. person.
<br />WHEREFORE, Your Petitioners respectfully request that your honorable
<br />are necessary and proper to eleimin-te such truck traffic from Wayne
<br />.venue e=nd E�(�y Street; to enact such ordin= aces and resolutions rnd
<br />as mp.y be legally necessary for the purpose of protecting and preser-
<br />aren hereinbefore referred to.
<br />'(��5 sigr_Prs)
<br />body teke such steps as
<br />Street between Greenlawn
<br />to do such other things
<br />ving the residentipl
<br />Councilman Goetz moved that said petitions be referred to the Boerd of Public Norks. Councilmen
<br />Fish seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />ORDI7AivCE NO. 3262
<br />An Ordinance %mending Ordinonce #2979 with reference tc passenger rates for Tnxicabs.
<br />The Ordinance was P-iven its first reading by title, its second. reading, in full. Councilmen
<br />Goetz moved for suspensidn of rules, sec ^nded be Councilman Kerner. ' "otion oarried.
<br />Roll cal..l. for suspension of rules as follows: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen, James, Kerner, Fish
<br />Chambers, R,;smussen.•,: 8 ryes: ;0 nay�y-
<br />The Ordinance wes given its third. reading by title end was placed upon its passage and nyssed
<br />by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Biexwa.gen, James, Kerner, Fish, Rasmussen. 7 ayes.
<br />Chambers, 1 nay. Order a.nce adopted/
<br />RESOLUI -12I;
<br />WHEREAS, The Honorable George W. Freyermuth, 'Jiayor of the City of South Bend, has on numerous
<br />occ©siOns asked the city council a.nd Fidei'a.l Agencies for funds with which to construct a,
<br />Civic auditorium, and
<br />WHEREAS, The South Bend School Board is also contemplating the construction of a Civic Auditori
<br />P nd.
<br />WHEREAS, Sueh a Civic Auditorium may become a reality in the near future, and
<br />WHERTAS, The Veterans of the City of South Bend are recognized by the Federal Government, the
<br />Stpte of Indirnn,and the City of South Bend as a patriotic and Civic institution, end
<br />WHEREAS, Throughout the crinty, the Veterans are recognized as an integrel part of any gov-
<br />ernmental unit, =nd
<br />WHEREAS, The City of South Bend has no :- vaila;ble public quarters in rhich these Veterans Or-
<br />ganizations could meet and ce-ry on their service to the community, therefore be it
<br />RESOLVED, That the Fast Commanders Association of St. Joseph County respectfully a_sk the
<br />Honorable Mayor Georg -e W., The Honorable City Council of the City of South Bend and
<br />the Honorable School Board of the Citv of South Bend, to use their influence to brinFr about
<br />the necessary improvement end to further provide suiteble quarters for ell VeteRr^ns orp7nnizatiom
<br />THIS RESOLt3TION unpnimously adopted at a regular meetir g of the Pest Commenders Assoeiat ion, an
<br />organi?ation representing all Veterans Orgeniznti.ons in St. Joseph County, this 4 jay of October,
<br />1_g3g�
<br />_Joseph S. Krejawske
<br />President
<br />Oscar Bojrflon
<br />Secre=tary
<br />Stanley T. ,Andrzej ewski
<br />Member of Committee
<br />Pete R._ Rudynski
<br />Member of Committee
<br />Councilman Chambers moved that said resolution be adopted. including Perk Board.. Councilmpn
<br />Rasmussen seconded the motion. Notion carried.
<br />Telegram received from the Regionpl Director eras read by kr. Anderson, regr- -rding the P.W.A.
<br />application being acdepted.
<br />Mr. Chambers suggested thet the City Attorney be instructed to drnr €n ordinance for the sale
<br />of bonds, including the entire disposal system.
<br />Councilman Goetz moved that rare wpit until we hear from the government before we act. Council-
<br />man. Fish seconded the moti7�n. Mot icn carried.
<br />Councilman Goetz moved thrt the City Clerk check and investigate n11 names on al.l petitions
<br />for acquisition of electric local public utility, hire extra help if necessary. Councilman
<br />Fish seconded. the motion. Motion carried.
<br />There being no further business Councilman James moved to adjourn. Co- ncilman Goetz seconded
<br />the motion. motion carried. Council adjourned at 9-:50 P. M.
<br />ry
<br />I.
<br />